import { html } from 'lit'; import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js'; import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js'; import { live } from 'lit/directives/live.js'; import RadioBase from '~/internal/radio'; import styles from './radio.styles'; /** * @since 2.0 * @status stable * * @slot - The radio's label. * * @event sl-blur - Emitted when the control loses focus. * @event sl-change - Emitted when the control's checked state changes. * @event sl-focus - Emitted when the control gains focus. * * @csspart base - The component's internal wrapper. * @csspart control - The radio control. * @csspart checked-icon - The container the wraps the checked icon. * @csspart label - The radio label. */ @customElement('sl-radio') export default class SlRadio extends RadioBase { static styles = styles; render() { return html` `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'sl-radio': SlRadio; } }