import { expect, fixture, html, oneEvent } from '@open-wc/testing'; import { sendKeys } from '@web/test-runner-commands'; import type SlCheckbox from './checkbox'; describe('', () => { it('should be disabled with the disabled attribute', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const checkbox = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('input')!; expect(checkbox.disabled); }); it('should be valid by default', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.invalid); }); it('should fire sl-change when clicked', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); setTimeout(() => el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('input')!.click()); const event = await oneEvent(el, 'sl-change'); expect(; expect(el.checked); }); it('should fire sl-change when toggled via keyboard', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const input = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('input')!; input.focus(); setTimeout(() => sendKeys({ press: ' ' })); const event = await oneEvent(el, 'sl-change'); expect(; expect(el.checked); }); it('should not fire sl-change when checked is set by javascript', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); el.addEventListener('sl-change', () =>'event fired')); el.checked = true; await el.updateComplete; el.checked = false; await el.updateComplete; }); });