# Changelog Shoelace follows [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). Breaking changes in components with the Stable badge will not be accepted until the next major version. As such, all contributions must consider the project's roadmap and take this into consideration. Features that are deemed no longer necessary will be deprecated but not removed. Components with the Experimental badge should not be used in production. They are made available as release candidates for development and testing purposes. As such, changes to experimental components will not be subject to semantic versioning. _During the beta period, these restrictions may be relaxed in the event of a mission-critical bug._ 🐛 ## 2.0.0-beta.72 - 🚨 BREAKING: refactored parts in ``, ``, ``, and `` to allow you to customize the label and help text position - Added `form-control-input` part - Renamed `label` to `form-control-label` - Renamed `help-text` to `form-control-help-text` - 🚨 BREAKING: removed status from the `sl-error` event payload in `` - Added the experimental `` component - Added `button-group` and `button-group__base` parts to `` - Added the `label` attribute and slot to `` to improve accessibility with screen readers - Fixed a bug that prevented form submission from working as expected in some cases - Fixed a bug that prevented `` from toggling `vertical` properly [#703](https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace/issues/703) - Fixed a bug that prevented `` from rendering a color initially [#704](https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace/issues/704) - Fixed a bug that caused focus trapping to fail when used inside a shadow root [#709](https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace/issues/709) - Improved accessibility throughout the docs - Improved accessibility of `` so the trigger's expanded state is announced correctly - Improved accessibility of `` but rendering a `