import { parse } from 'node-html-parser'; import Prism from 'prismjs'; import PrismLoader from 'prismjs/components/index.js'; PrismLoader('diff'); PrismLoader.silent = true; /** * Highlights a string of code using the specified language. * * @param {string} code - The code to highlight. * @param {string} language - The language the code is written in. For available languages, refer to this page: * */ export function highlightCode(code, language = 'plain') { const alias = language.replace(/^diff-/, ''); const isDiff = /^diff-/i.test(language); if (!Prism.languages[alias]) { PrismLoader(alias); if (!Prism.languages[alias]) { throw new Error(`Unsupported language for code highlighting: "${language}"`); } } if (isDiff) { Prism.languages[language] = Prism.languages.diff; } return Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[language], language); } /** * Eleventy plugin to highlight code blocks with the `language-*` attribute using Prism.js. Unlike most plugins, this * works on the entire document — not just markdown content. */ export function highlightCodePlugin(options = {}) { options = { container: 'body', ...options }; return function (eleventyConfig) { eleventyConfig.addTransform('highlight-code', content => { const doc = parse(content, { blockTextElements: { code: true } }); const container = doc.querySelector(options.container); if (!container) { return content; } // Look for and highlight each one container.querySelectorAll('code[class*="language-"]').forEach(code => { const langClass = [...code.classList.values()].find(val => val.startsWith('language-')); const lang = langClass ? langClass.replace(/^language-/, '').split(':')[0] : 'plain'; try { code.innerHTML = highlightCode(code.textContent ?? '', lang); } catch (err) { if (!options.ignoreMissingLangs) { throw new Error(err.message); } } }); return doc.toString(); }); }; }