import { deleteAsync } from 'del'; import { exec, spawn } from 'child_process'; import { globby } from 'globby'; import browserSync from 'browser-sync'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import commandLineArgs from 'command-line-args'; import copy from 'recursive-copy'; import esbuild from 'esbuild'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import getPort, { portNumbers } from 'get-port'; import ora from 'ora'; import util from 'util'; import * as path from 'path'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { replace } from 'esbuild-plugin-replace'; const { serve } = commandLineArgs([{ name: 'serve', type: Boolean }]); const outdir = 'dist'; const cdndir = 'cdn'; const sitedir = '_site'; const spinner = ora({ hideCursor: false }).start(); const execPromise = util.promisify(exec); let childProcess; let buildResults; const bundleDirectories = [cdndir, outdir]; let packageData = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'), 'utf-8')); const shoelaceVersion = JSON.stringify(packageData.version.toString()); // // Runs 11ty and builds the docs. The returned promise resolves after the initial publish has completed. The child // process and an array of strings containing any output are included in the resolved promise. // async function buildTheDocs(watch = false) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const afterSignal = '[eleventy.after]'; // Totally non-scientific way to handle errors. Perhaps its just better to resolve on stderr? :shrug: const errorSignal = 'Original error stack trace:'; const args = ['@11ty/eleventy', '--quiet']; const output = []; if (watch) { args.push('--watch'); args.push('--incremental'); } const child = spawn('npx', args, { stdio: 'pipe', cwd: 'docs', shell: true // for Windows }); child.stdout.on('data', data => { if (data.includes(afterSignal)) return; // don't log the signal output.push(data.toString()); }); child.stderr.on('data', data => { output.push(data.toString()); }); if (watch) { // The process doesn't terminate in watch mode so, before resolving, we listen for a known signal in stdout that // tells us when the first build completes. child.stdout.on('data', data => { if (data.includes(afterSignal)) { resolve({ child, output }); } }); child.stderr.on('data', data => { if (data.includes(errorSignal)) { // This closes the dev server, not sure if thats what we want? reject(output); } }); } else { child.on('close', () => { resolve({ child, output }); }); } }); } // // Builds the source with esbuild. // async function buildTheSource() { const alwaysExternal = ['@lit-labs/react', 'react']; const cdnConfig = { format: 'esm', target: 'es2017', entryPoints: [ // // NOTE: Entry points must be mapped in package.json > exports, otherwise users won't be able to import them! // // The whole shebang './src/shoelace.ts', // The auto-loader './src/shoelace-autoloader.ts', // Components ...(await globby('./src/components/**/!(*.(style|test)).ts')), // Translations ...(await globby('./src/translations/**/*.ts')), // Public utilities ...(await globby('./src/utilities/**/!(*.(style|test)).ts')), // Theme stylesheets ...(await globby('./src/themes/**/!(*.test).ts')), // React wrappers ...(await globby('./src/react/**/*.ts')) ], outdir: cdndir, chunkNames: 'chunks/[name].[hash]', define: { // Floating UI requires this to be set 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"' }, bundle: true, // // We don't bundle certain dependencies in the unbundled build. This ensures we ship bare module specifiers, // allowing end users to better optimize when using a bundler. (Only packages that ship ESM can be external.) // // We never bundle React or @lit-labs/react though! // external: alwaysExternal, splitting: true, plugins: [ replace({ __SHOELACE_VERSION__: shoelaceVersion }) ] }; const npmConfig = { ...cdnConfig, external: undefined, minify: false, packages: 'external', outdir }; if (serve) { // Use the context API to allow incremental dev builds const contexts = await Promise.all([esbuild.context(cdnConfig), esbuild.context(npmConfig)]); await Promise.all( => context.rebuild())); return contexts; } else { // Use the standard API for production builds return await Promise.all([,]); } } // // Called on SIGINT or SIGTERM to cleanup the build and child processes. // function handleCleanup() { buildResults.forEach(result => result.dispose()); if (childProcess) { childProcess.kill('SIGINT'); } process.exit(); } // // Helper function to draw a spinner while tasks run. // async function nextTask(label, action) { spinner.text = label; spinner.start(); try { await action(); spinner.stop(); console.log(`${'āœ”')} ${label}`); } catch (err) { spinner.stop(); console.error(`${'āœ˜')} ${err}`); if (err.stdout) console.error(; if (err.stderr) console.error(; process.exit(1); } } await nextTask('Cleaning up the previous build', async () => { await Promise.all([deleteAsync(sitedir), => deleteAsync(dir))]); await fs.mkdir(outdir, { recursive: true }); }); await nextTask('Generating component metadata', () => { return Promise.all( => { return execPromise(`node scripts/make-metadata.js --outdir "${dir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }) ); }); await nextTask('Wrapping components for React', () => { return execPromise(`node scripts/make-react.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }); await nextTask('Generating themes', () => { return execPromise(`node scripts/make-themes.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }); await nextTask('Packaging up icons', () => { return execPromise(`node scripts/make-icons.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }); await nextTask('Running the TypeScript compiler', () => { return execPromise(`tsc --project ./ --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }); // Copy the above steps to the CDN directory directly so we don't need to twice the work for nothing. await nextTask(`Themes, Icons, and TS Types to "${cdndir}"`, async () => { await deleteAsync(cdndir); await copy(outdir, cdndir); }); await nextTask('Building source files', async () => { buildResults = await buildTheSource(); }); // Copy the CDN build to the docs (prod only; we use a virtual directory in dev) if (!serve) { await nextTask(`Copying the build to "${sitedir}"`, async () => { await deleteAsync(sitedir); // We copy the CDN build because that has everything bundled. Yes this looks weird. // But if we do "/cdn" it requires changes all the docs to do /cdn instead of /dist. await copy(cdndir, path.join(sitedir, 'dist')); }); } // Launch the dev server if (serve) { let result; // Spin up Eleventy and Wait for the search index to appear before proceeding. The search index is generated during // eleventy.after, so it appears after the docs are fully published. This is kinda hacky, but here we are. // Kick off the Eleventy dev server with --watch and --incremental await nextTask('Building docs', async () => { result = await buildTheDocs(true); }); const bs = browserSync.create(); const port = await getPort({ port: portNumbers(4000, 4999) }); const browserSyncConfig = { startPath: '/', port, logLevel: 'silent', logPrefix: '[shoelace]', logFileChanges: true, notify: false, single: false, ghostMode: false, server: { baseDir: sitedir, routes: { '/dist': './cdn' } } }; // Launch browser sync bs.init(browserSyncConfig, () => { const url = `http://localhost:${port}`; console.log(chalk.cyan(`\nšŸ„¾ The dev server is available at ${url}`)); // Log deferred output if (result.output.length > 0) { console.log('\n' + result.output.join('\n')); } // Log output that comes later on result.child.stdout.on('data', data => { console.log(data.toString()); }); }); // Rebuild and reload when source files change'src/**/!(*.test).*').on('change', async filename => { console.log('[build] File changed: ', filename); try { const isTheme = /^src\/themes/.test(filename); const isStylesheet = /(\.css|\.styles\.ts)$/.test(filename); // Rebuild the source const rebuildResults = => result.rebuild()); await Promise.all(rebuildResults); // Rebuild stylesheets when a theme file changes if (isTheme) { await Promise.all( => { execPromise(`node scripts/make-themes.js --outdir "${dir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }) ); } // Rebuild metadata (but not when styles are changed) if (!isStylesheet) { await Promise.all( => { return execPromise(`node scripts/make-metadata.js --outdir "${dir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); }) ); } bs.reload(); } catch (err) { console.error(; } }); // Reload without rebuilding when the docs change[`${sitedir}/**/*.*`]).on('change', filename => { bs.reload(); }); } // Build for production if (!serve) { let result; await nextTask('Building the docs', async () => { result = await buildTheDocs(); }); // Log deferred output if (result.output.length > 0) { console.log('\n' + result.output.join('\n')); } } // Cleanup on exit process.on('SIGINT', handleCleanup); process.on('SIGTERM', handleCleanup);