// // This script bakes and copies themes, then generates a corresponding Lit stylesheet in dist/themes // import chalk from 'chalk'; import commandLineArgs from 'command-line-args'; import fs from 'fs'; import { mkdirSync } from 'fs'; import { globbySync } from 'globby'; import path from 'path'; import prettier from 'prettier'; import stripComments from 'strip-css-comments'; const { outdir } = commandLineArgs({ name: 'outdir', type: String }); const files = globbySync('./src/themes/**/[!_]*.css'); const filesToEmbed = globbySync('./src/themes/**/_*.css'); const themesDir = path.join(outdir, 'themes'); const embeds = {}; mkdirSync(themesDir, { recursive: true }); // Gather an object containing the source of all files named "_filename.css" so we can embed them later filesToEmbed.forEach(file => { embeds[path.basename(file)] = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); }); // Loop through each theme file, copying the .css and generating a .js version for Lit users files.forEach(file => { let source = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); // If the source has "/* _filename.css */" in it, replace it with the embedded styles Object.keys(embeds).forEach(key => { source = source.replace(`/* ${key} */`, embeds[key]); }); const css = prettier.format(stripComments(source), { parser: 'css' }); let js = prettier.format( ` import { css } from 'lit'; export default css\` ${css} \`; `, { parser: 'babel-ts' } ); const cssFile = path.join(themesDir, path.basename(file)); const jsFile = path.join(themesDir, path.basename(file).replace('.css', '.styles.js')); fs.writeFileSync(cssFile, css, 'utf8'); fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, js, 'utf8'); });