import '../../../dist/shoelace.js'; import { aTimeout, expect, fixture, html, oneEvent } from '@open-wc/testing'; import { clickOnElement, moveMouseOnElement } from '../../internal/test.js'; import { queryByTestId } from '../../internal/test/data-testid-helpers.js'; import { resetMouse } from '@web/test-runner-commands'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import type SlAlert from './alert.js'; import type SlIconButton from '../icon-button/icon-button.js'; const getAlertContainer = (alert: SlAlert): HTMLElement => { return alert.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part="base"]')!; }; const expectAlertToBeVisible = (alert: SlAlert): void => { const alertContainer = getAlertContainer(alert); const style = window.getComputedStyle(alertContainer); expect(style.display)'none'); expect(style.visibility)'hidden'); expect(style.visibility)'collapse'); }; const expectAlertToBeInvisible = (alert: SlAlert): void => { const alertContainer = getAlertContainer(alert); const style = window.getComputedStyle(alertContainer); expect(style.display, 'alert should be invisible').to.equal('none'); }; const expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder = async (alert: SlAlert, action: () => void | Promise) => { const hidePromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-hide'); const afterHidePromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-hide'); let afterHideHappened = false; oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-hide').then(() => (afterHideHappened = true)); action(); await hidePromise; expect(afterHideHappened); await afterHidePromise; expectAlertToBeInvisible(alert); }; const expectShowAndAfterShowToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder = async (alert: SlAlert, action: () => void | Promise) => { const showPromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-show'); const afterShowPromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-show'); let afterShowHappened = false; oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-show').then(() => (afterShowHappened = true)); action(); await showPromise; expect(afterShowHappened); await afterShowPromise; expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); }; const getCloseButton = (alert: SlAlert): SlIconButton | null | undefined => alert.shadowRoot?.querySelector('[part="close-button"]'); describe('', () => { let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers | null = null; afterEach(async () => { clock?.restore(); await resetMouse(); }); it('renders', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html`I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); }); it('is accessible', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html`I am an alert`); await expect(alert); }); describe('alert visibility', () => { it('should be visible with the open attribute', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html`I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); }); it('should not be visible without the open attribute', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeInvisible(alert); }); it('should emit sl-show and sl-after-show when calling show()', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeInvisible(alert); await expectShowAndAfterShowToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () =>; }); it('should emit sl-hide and sl-after-hide when calling hide()', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert`); await expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => alert.hide()); }); it('should emit sl-show and sl-after-show when setting open = true', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert `); await expectShowAndAfterShowToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => { = true; }); }); it('should emit sl-hide and sl-after-hide when setting open = false', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert `); await expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => { = false; }); }); }); describe('close button', () => { it('shows a close button if the alert has the closable attribute', () => async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert `); const closeButton = getCloseButton(alert); expect(closeButton); }); it('clicking the close button closes the alert', () => async () => { const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert `); const closeButton = getCloseButton(alert); await expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => { clickOnElement(closeButton!); }); }); }); describe('toast', () => { const getToastStack = (): HTMLDivElement | null => document.querySelector('.sl-toast-stack'); const closeRemainingAlerts = async (): Promise => { const toastStack = getToastStack(); if (toastStack?.children) { for (const element of toastStack.children) { await (element as SlAlert).hide(); } } }; beforeEach(async () => { await closeRemainingAlerts(); }); it('can be rendered as a toast', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html`I am an alert`); expectShowAndAfterShowToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => alert.toast()); const toastStack = getToastStack(); expect(toastStack); expect(toastStack?.firstChild); }); it('resolves only after being closed', async () => { const alert = await fixture(html`I am an alert`); const afterShowEvent = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-show'); let toastPromiseResolved = false; alert.toast().then(() => (toastPromiseResolved = true)); await afterShowEvent; expect(toastPromiseResolved); const closePromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-hide'); const closeButton = getCloseButton(alert); clickOnElement(closeButton!); await closePromise; await aTimeout(0); expect(toastPromiseResolved); }); const expectToastStack = () => { const toastStack = getToastStack(); expect(toastStack); }; const expectNoToastStack = () => { const toastStack = getToastStack(); expect(toastStack); }; const openToast = async (alert: SlAlert): Promise => { const openPromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-show'); alert.toast(); await openPromise; }; const closeToast = async (alert: SlAlert): Promise => { const closePromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-hide'); const closeButton = getCloseButton(alert); await clickOnElement(closeButton!); await closePromise; await aTimeout(0); }; it('deletes the toast stack after the last alert is done', async () => { const container = await fixture( html`
alert 1 alert 2
` ); const alert1 = queryByTestId(container, 'alert1'); const alert2 = queryByTestId(container, 'alert2'); await openToast(alert1!); expectToastStack(); await openToast(alert2!); expectToastStack(); await closeToast(alert1!); expectToastStack(); await closeToast(alert2!); expectNoToastStack(); }); }); describe('timer controlled closing', () => { it('closes after a predefined amount of time', async () => { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); clock.tick(2999); expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); await expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => { clock?.tick(1); }); }); it('resets the closing timer after mouse-over', async () => { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); clock.tick(1000); await moveMouseOnElement(alert); clock.tick(2999); expectAlertToBeVisible(alert); await expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => { clock?.tick(1); }); }); it('resets the closing timer after opening', async () => { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const alert = await fixture(html` I am an alert`); expectAlertToBeInvisible(alert); clock.tick(1000); const afterShowPromise = oneEvent(alert, 'sl-after-show');; await afterShowPromise; clock.tick(2999); await expectHideAndAfterHideToBeEmittedInCorrectOrder(alert, () => { clock?.tick(1); }); }); }); describe('alert variants', () => { const variants = ['primary', 'success', 'neutral', 'warning', 'danger']; variants.forEach(variant => { it(`adapts to the variant: ${variant}`, async () => { const alert = await fixture(html`I am an alert`); const alertContainer = getAlertContainer(alert); expect(alertContainer).to.have.class(`alert--${variant}`); }); }); }); });