import commandLineArgs from 'command-line-args'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { globby } from 'globby'; import lunr from 'lunr'; import { getAllComponents } from './shared.js'; const { outdir } = commandLineArgs({ name: 'outdir', type: String }); const metadata = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(outdir, 'custom-elements.json'), 'utf8')); console.log('Generating search index for documentation'); (async () => { function getHeadings(markdown, maxLevel = 6) { const headings = []; const lines = markdown.split('\n'); lines.forEach(line => { if (line.startsWith('#')) { const level = line.match(/^(#+)/)[0].length; const content = line.replace(/^#+/, ''); if (level <= maxLevel) { headings.push({ level, content }); } } }); return headings; } function getMembers(markdown) { const members = []; const headers = markdown.match(/\[component-header:([a-z-]+)\]/g); if (!headers) { return ''; } headers.forEach(header => { const tagName = header.match(/\[component-header:([a-z-]+)\]/)[1]; const component = getAllComponents(metadata).find(component => component.tagName === tagName); if (component) { const fields = ['members', 'cssProperties', 'cssParts', 'slots', 'events']; fields.forEach(field => { if (component[field]) { component[field].forEach(entry => { if ( members.push(; if (entry.description) members.push(entry.description); if (entry.attribute) members.push(entry.attribute); }); } }); } }); return members.join(' '); } const files = await globby('./docs/**/*.md'); const map = {}; const searchIndex = lunr(function () { // The search index uses these field names extensively, so shortening them can save some serious bytes. The initial // index file went from 468 KB => 401 KB by using single-character names! this.ref('id'); // id this.field('t', { boost: 10 }); // title this.field('h', { boost: 5 }); // headings this.field('m', { boost: 2 }); // members (props, methods, events, etc.) this.field('c'); // content files.forEach((file, index) => { const relativePath = path.relative('./docs', file).replace(/\\/g, '/'); const relativePathNoExtension = relativePath.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.'); const url = relativePath.replace(/\.md$/, ''); const filename = path.basename(file); // Ignore certain directories and files if ( relativePath.startsWith('assets/') || relativePath.startsWith('dist/') || filename === '' || filename === '' ) { return false; } const content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); const allHeadings = getHeadings(content, 4); const title = allHeadings.find(heading => heading.level === 1)?.content || ''; const headings = allHeadings .filter(heading => heading.level > 1) .map(heading => heading.content) .concat([relativePathNoExtension]) .join(' '); const members = getMembers(content); // Remove markdown code fields from search results. This seems to make search results a bit more accurate and // reduces search.json from ~679 KB to ~455 KB. const prunedContent = content.replace(/```(.*?)```/gs, ''); this.add({ id: index, t: title, h: headings, m: members, c: prunedContent }); map[index] = { title, url }; }); }); fs.writeFileSync('./docs/search.json', JSON.stringify({ searchIndex, map }), 'utf8'); })();