import type { ReactiveController, ReactiveControllerHost, TemplateResult } from 'lit'; import { html } from 'lit'; import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js'; import './formdata-event-polyfill'; export interface FormSubmitControllerOptions { /** A function that returns the form containing the form control. */ form: (input: unknown) => HTMLFormElement | null; /** A function that returns the form control's name, which will be submitted with the form data. */ name: (input: unknown) => string; /** A function that returns the form control's current value. */ value: (input: unknown) => unknown | unknown[]; /** A function that returns the form control's current disabled state. If disabled, the value won't be submitted. */ disabled: (input: unknown) => boolean; /** * A function that maps to the form control's reportValidity() function. When the control is invalid, this will * prevent submission and trigger the browser's constraint violation warning. */ reportValidity: (input: unknown) => boolean; } export class FormSubmitController implements ReactiveController { host?: ReactiveControllerHost & Element; form?: HTMLFormElement | null; options: FormSubmitControllerOptions; constructor(host: ReactiveControllerHost & Element, options?: Partial) { ( = host).addController(this); this.options = { form: (input: HTMLInputElement) => input.closest('form'), name: (input: HTMLInputElement) =>, value: (input: HTMLInputElement) => input.value, disabled: (input: HTMLInputElement) => input.disabled, reportValidity: (input: HTMLInputElement) => { return typeof input.reportValidity === 'function' ? input.reportValidity() : true; }, ...options }; this.handleFormData = this.handleFormData.bind(this); this.handleFormSubmit = this.handleFormSubmit.bind(this); } hostConnected() { this.form = this.options.form(; if (typeof this.form !== 'undefined' && this.form !== null) { this.form.addEventListener('formdata', this.handleFormData); this.form.addEventListener('submit', this.handleFormSubmit); } } hostDisconnected() { if (typeof this.form !== 'undefined' && this.form !== null) { this.form.removeEventListener('formdata', this.handleFormData); this.form.removeEventListener('submit', this.handleFormSubmit); this.form = undefined; } } handleFormData(event: FormDataEvent) { const disabled = this.options.disabled(; const name =; const value = this.options.value(; if (!disabled && typeof name === 'string' && typeof value !== 'undefined') { if (Array.isArray(value)) { (value as unknown[]).forEach(val => { event.formData.append(name, (val as string | number | boolean).toString()); }); } else { event.formData.append(name, (value as string | number | boolean).toString()); } } } handleFormSubmit(event: Event) { const disabled = this.options.disabled(; const reportValidity = this.options.reportValidity; if ( typeof this.form !== 'undefined' && this.form !== null && !this.form.noValidate && !disabled && !reportValidity( ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } submit() { // Calling form.submit() seems to bypass the submit event and constraint validation. Instead, we can inject a // native submit button into the form, click it, then remove it to simulate a standard form submission. const button = document.createElement('button'); if (typeof this.form !== 'undefined' && this.form !== null) { button.type = 'submit'; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '0'; = 'rect(0 0 0 0)'; = 'inset(50%)'; = 'hidden'; = 'nowrap'; this.form.append(button);; button.remove(); } } } export function renderFormControl( props: { /** The input id, used to map the input to the label */ inputId: string; /** The size of the form control */ size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; /** The label id, used to map the label to the input */ labelId?: string; /** The label text (if the label slot isn't used) */ label?: string; /** Whether or not a label slot has been provided. */ hasLabelSlot?: boolean; /** The help text id, used to map the input to the help text */ helpTextId?: string; /** The help text (if the help-text slot isn't used) */ helpText?: string; /** Whether or not a help text slot has been provided. */ hasHelpTextSlot?: boolean; /** A function that gets called when the label is clicked. */ onLabelClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; }, input: TemplateResult ) { const hasLabel = typeof props.label !== 'undefined' ? true : props.hasLabelSlot === true; const hasHelpText = typeof props.helpText !== 'undefined' ? true : props.hasHelpTextSlot === true; return html`
`; } export function getLabelledBy(props: { /** The label id, used to map the label to the input */ labelId: string; /** The label text (if the label slot isn't used) */ label: string; /** Whether or not a label slot has been provided. */ hasLabelSlot: boolean; /** The help text id, used to map the input to the help text */ helpTextId: string; /** The help text (if the help-text slot isn't used) */ helpText: string; /** Whether or not a help text slot has been provided. */ hasHelpTextSlot: boolean; }) { const labelledBy = [ props.label.length > 0 ? props.label : props.hasLabelSlot ? props.labelId : '', props.helpText.length > 0 ? props.helpText : props.hasHelpTextSlot ? props.helpTextId : '' ].filter(val => val !== ''); return labelledBy.join(' '); }