import { expect, fixture, html } from '@open-wc/testing'; import type SlCard from './card'; describe('', () => { let el: SlCard; describe('when provided no parameters', () => { before(async () => { el = await fixture( html` This is just a basic card. No image, no header, and no footer. Just your content. ` ); }); it('should render a component that passes accessibility test.', async () => { await expect(el); }); it('should render the child content provided.', () => { expect(el.innerText).to.eq('This is just a basic card. No image, no header, and no footer. Just your content.'); }); it('should contain the class card.', () => { const card = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.card')!; expect(card.classList.value.trim()).to.eq('card'); }); }); describe('when provided an element in the slot "header" to render a header', () => { before(async () => { el = await fixture( html`
Header Title
This card has a header. You can put all sorts of things in it!
` ); }); it('should render a component that passes accessibility test.', async () => { await expect(el); }); it('should render the child content provided.', () => { expect(el.innerText).to.contain('This card has a header. You can put all sorts of things in it!'); }); it('render the header content provided.', () => { const header = el.querySelector('div[slot=header]')!; expect(header.innerText).eq('Header Title'); }); it('accept "header" as an assigned child in the shadow root.', () => { const slot = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('slot[name=header]')!; const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true }); expect(childNodes.length).to.eq(1); }); it('should contain the class card--has-header.', () => { const card = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.card')!; expect(card.classList.value.trim()).to.eq('card card--has-header'); }); }); describe('when provided an element in the slot "footer" to render a footer', () => { before(async () => { el = await fixture( html` This card has a footer. You can put all sorts of things in it!
Footer Content
` ); }); it('should render a component that passes accessibility test.', async () => { await expect(el); }); it('should render the child content provided.', () => { expect(el.innerText).to.contain('This card has a footer. You can put all sorts of things in it!'); }); it('render the footer content provided.', () => { const footer = el.querySelector('div[slot=footer]')!; expect(footer.innerText).eq('Footer Content'); }); it('accept "footer" as an assigned child in the shadow root.', () => { const slot = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('slot[name=footer]')!; const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true }); expect(childNodes.length).to.eq(1); }); it('should contain the class card--has-footer.', () => { const card = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.card')!; expect(card.classList.value.trim()).to.eq('card card--has-footer'); }); }); describe('when provided an element in the slot "image" to render a image', () => { before(async () => { el = await fixture( html` A kitten walks towards camera on top of pallet. This is a kitten, but not just any kitten. This kitten likes walking along pallets. ` ); }); it('should render a component that passes accessibility test.', async () => { await expect(el); }); it('should render the child content provided.', () => { expect(el.innerText).to.contain( 'This is a kitten, but not just any kitten. This kitten likes walking along pallets.' ); }); it('accept "image" as an assigned child in the shadow root.', () => { const slot = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('slot[name=image]')!; const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true }); expect(childNodes.length).to.eq(1); }); it('should contain the class card--has-image.', () => { const card = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.card')!; expect(card.classList.value.trim()).to.eq('card card--has-image'); }); }); });