import { LitElement, html } from 'lit'; import { customElement, property, query } from 'lit/decorators.js'; import styles from './button-group.styles'; /** * @since 2.0 * @status stable * * @slot - One or more `` elements to display in the button group. * * @csspart base - The component's base wrapper. */ @customElement('sl-button-group') export default class SlButtonGroup extends LitElement { static styles = styles; @query('slot') defaultSlot: HTMLSlotElement; /** A label to use for the button group's `aria-label` attribute. */ @property() label = ''; handleFocus(event: CustomEvent) { const button = findButton( as HTMLElement); button?.classList.add('sl-button-group__button--focus'); } handleBlur(event: CustomEvent) { const button = findButton( as HTMLElement); button?.classList.remove('sl-button-group__button--focus'); } handleMouseOver(event: CustomEvent) { const button = findButton( as HTMLElement); button?.classList.add('sl-button-group__button--hover'); } handleMouseOut(event: CustomEvent) { const button = findButton( as HTMLElement); button?.classList.remove('sl-button-group__button--hover'); } handleSlotChange() { const slottedElements = [...this.defaultSlot.assignedElements({ flatten: true })] as HTMLElement[]; slottedElements.forEach(el => { const index = slottedElements.indexOf(el); const button = findButton(el); if (button !== null) { button.classList.add('sl-button-group__button'); button.classList.toggle('sl-button-group__button--first', index === 0); button.classList.toggle('sl-button-group__button--inner', index > 0 && index < slottedElements.length - 1); button.classList.toggle('sl-button-group__button--last', index === slottedElements.length - 1); } }); } render() { // eslint-disable-next-line lit-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events -- focusout & focusin support bubbling where as focus & blur do not which is necessary here return html`
`; } } function findButton(el: HTMLElement) { return el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'sl-button' ? el : el.querySelector('sl-button'); } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'sl-button-group': SlButtonGroup; } }