--- meta: title: Changelog description: Changes to each version of the project are documented here. --- # Changelog Shoelace follows [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). Breaking changes in components with the Stable badge will not be accepted until the next major version. As such, all contributions must consider the project's roadmap and take this into consideration. Features that are deemed no longer necessary will be deprecated but not removed. Components with the Experimental badge should not be used in production. They are made available as release candidates for development and testing purposes. As such, changes to experimental components will not be subject to semantic versioning. New versions of Shoelace are released as-needed and generally occur when a critical mass of changes have accumulated. At any time, you can see what's coming in the next release by visiting [next.shoelace.style](https://next.shoelace.style). ## Next - Added support for `contextElement` to `VirtualElements` in `` [#1874] - Fixed a bug in `.sl-scroll-lock` causing layout shifts. [#1895] - Fixed a bug in `` that caused the rating to not reset in some circumstances [#1877] - Fixed a bug in `` that caused the menu to not close when rendered in a shadow root [#1878] - Fixed a bug in `` that caused a new stacking context resulting in tooltips being clipped [#1709] - Fixed a bug in `` that caused the scroll controls to toggle indefinitely when zoomed in Safari [#1839] - Fixed a bug in the submenu controller that allowed two submenus to be open at the same time [#1880] - Fixed a bug in `` where the tag size wouldn't update with the control's size [#1886] - Fixed a bug in `` and `` where the color of the required content wasn't applying correctly ## 2.14.0 - Added the Arabic translation [#1852] - Added help text to `` [#1860] - Added help text to `` [#1800] - Fixed a bug in `` that caused HTML tags to be included in `getTextLabel()` - Fixed a bug in `` that caused slides to not switch correctly [#1862] - Refactored component styles to be consumed more efficiently [#1692] ## 2.13.1 - Fixed a bug where the safe triangle was always visible when selecting nested `` elements [#1835] ## 2.13.0 - Added the `hover-bridge` feature to `` to support better tooltip accessibility [#1734] - Added the `loading` attribute and the `spinner` and `spinner__base` part to `` [#1700] - Fixed files that did not have `.js` extensions. [#1770] - Fixed `` not accounting for elements with hidden dialog controls like `