# Roadmap The roadmap tracks the status of components and features that are planned for development. ## 2.1 🤔 Version 2.1 is still in the planning phase. To request a feature, please [submit an issue](https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace/issues) on GitHub. Make sure to search for existing issues and vote using 👍 to add your support! ?> Is there a feature you really want to see here? Sponsoring Shoelace is the best way to prioritize its development. [Learn more](https://github.com/sponsors/claviska) ## 2.0 🚀 - [x] Alert - [x] Avatar - [x] Button - [x] Checkbox - [x] Color Picker - [x] Details - [x] Dialog - [x] Drawer - [x] Dropdown - [x] Form - [x] Icon - [x] Input - [x] Menu - [x] Menu Divider - [x] Menu Item - [x] Menu Label - [x] Progress Bar - [x] Progress Ring - [x] Radio - [x] Range - [x] Select - [x] Spinner - [x] Switch - [x] Tab Group - [x] Tab - [x] Tab Panel - [x] Tag - [x] Textarea - [x] Tooltip