# Mutation Observer [component-header:sl-mutation-observer] The Mutation Observer component offers a thin, declarative interface to the [`MutationObserver API`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver). The mutation observer will report changes to the content it wraps through the `sl-mutation` event. When emitted, a collection of [MutationRecord](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationRecord) objects will be attached to `event.detail` that contains information about how it changed. ```html preview
Click to mutate
👆 Click the button and watch the console
``` ?> When you create a mutation observer, you must indicate what changes it should respond to by including at least one of `attr`, `child-list`, or `char-data`. If you don't specify at least one of these attributes, no mutation events will be emitted. ## Examples ### Child List Use the `child-list` attribute to watch for new child elements that are added or removed. ```html preview
Add button
👆 Add and remove buttons and watch the console
``` [component-metadata:sl-mutation-observer]