import { aTimeout, elementUpdated, expect, fixture, html, oneEvent } from '@open-wc/testing'; import { registerIconLibrary } from '../../../dist/shoelace.js'; import type { SlErrorEvent } from '../../events/sl-error.js'; import type { SlLoadEvent } from '../../events/sl-load.js'; import type SlIcon from './icon.js'; const testLibraryIcons = { 'test-icon1': ` `, 'test-icon2': ` `, 'bad-icon': `
` }; describe('', () => { before(() => { registerIconLibrary('test-library', { resolver: (name: keyof typeof testLibraryIcons) => { // only for testing a bad request if (name === ('bad-request' as keyof typeof testLibraryIcons)) { return `data:image/svg+xml`; } if (name in testLibraryIcons) { return `data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(testLibraryIcons[name])}`; } return ''; }, mutator: (svg: SVGElement) => svg.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor') }); }); describe('defaults ', () => { it('default properties', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(; expect(el.src); expect(el.label).to.equal(''); expect(el.library).to.equal('default'); }); it('renders pre-loaded system icons and emits sl-load event', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const listener = oneEvent(el, 'sl-load') as Promise; = 'check'; const ev = await listener; await elementUpdated(el); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')).to.exist; expect(ev).to.exist; }); it('the icon is accessible', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); await expect(el); }); it('the icon has the correct default aria attributes', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.getAttribute('role')); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-label')); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-hidden')).to.equal('true'); }); }); describe('when a label is provided', () => { it('the icon has the correct default aria attributes', async () => { const fakeLabel = 'a label'; const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.getAttribute('role')).to.equal('img'); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-label')).to.equal(fakeLabel); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-hidden')); }); }); describe('when a valid src is provided', () => { it('the svg is rendered', async () => { const fakeId = 'test-src'; const el = await fixture(html` `); const listener = oneEvent(el, 'sl-load'); el.src = `data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(``)}`; await listener; await elementUpdated(el); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')).to.exist; expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')?.part.contains('svg')); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')?.getAttribute('id')).to.equal(fakeId); }); }); describe('new library', () => { it('renders icons from the new library and emits sl-load event', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const listener = oneEvent(el, 'sl-load') as Promise; = 'test-icon1'; const ev = await listener; await elementUpdated(el); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')).to.exist; expect(ev.isTrusted).to.exist; }); it('runs mutator from new library', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); await elementUpdated(el); const svg = el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg'); expect(svg?.getAttribute('fill')).to.equal('currentColor'); }); }); describe('negative cases', () => { // using new library so we can test for malformed icons when registered it("svg not rendered with an icon that doesn't exist in the library", async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')); }); it('emits sl-error when the file cant be retrieved', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const listener = oneEvent(el, 'sl-error') as Promise; = 'bad-request'; const ev = await listener; await elementUpdated(el); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')); expect(ev).to.exist; }); it("emits sl-error when there isn't an svg element in the registered icon", async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const listener = oneEvent(el, 'sl-error') as Promise; = 'bad-icon'; const ev = await listener; await elementUpdated(el); expect(el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg')); expect(ev).to.exist; }); }); describe('svg sprite sheets', () => { // For some reason ESLint wants to fail in CI here, but works locally. /* eslint-disable */ it('Should properly grab an SVG and render it from bootstrap icons', async () => { registerIconLibrary('sprite', { resolver: name => `/docs/assets/images/sprite.svg#${name}`, mutator: svg => svg.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor'), spriteSheet: true }); const el = await fixture(html``); await elementUpdated(el); const svg = el.shadowRoot?.querySelector("svg[part='svg']"); const use = svg?.querySelector(`use[href='/docs/assets/images/sprite.svg#arrow-left']`); expect(svg); expect(use); // This is kind of hacky...but with no way to check "load", we just use a timeout await aTimeout(1000); // Theres no way to really test that the icon rendered properly. We just gotta trust the browser to do it's thing :) // However, we can check the size. It should be greater than 0x0 if loaded properly. const rect = use?.getBoundingClientRect(); expect(rect?.width); expect(rect?.width); }); it('Should render nothing if the sprite hash is wrong', async () => { registerIconLibrary('sprite', { resolver: name => `/docs/assets/images/sprite.svg#${name}`, mutator: svg => svg.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor'), spriteSheet: true }); const el = await fixture(html``); await elementUpdated(el); const svg = el.shadowRoot?.querySelector("svg[part='svg']"); const use = svg?.querySelector('use'); // TODO: Theres no way to really test that the icon rendered properly. We just gotta trust the browser to do it's thing :) // However, we can check the size. If it never loaded, it should be 0x0. Ideally, we could have error tracking... const rect = use?.getBoundingClientRect(); expect(rect?.width).to.equal(0); expect(rect?.width).to.equal(0); }); // TODO: svg icons don't emit a "load" or "error" event...if we can figure out how to get the event to emit errors. // Once we figure out how to emit errors / loading perhaps we can actually test this? it.skip("Should produce an error if the icon doesn't exist.", async () => { registerIconLibrary('sprite', { resolver(name) { return `/docs/assets/images/sprite.svg#${name}`; }, mutator(svg) { return svg.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor'); }, spriteSheet: true }); const el = await fixture(html``); const listener = oneEvent(el, 'sl-error') as Promise; = 'bad-icon'; const ev = await listener; await elementUpdated(el); expect(ev).to.exist; }); }); /* eslint-enable */ });