# Tag [component-header:sl-tag] Tags are used as labels to organize things or to indicate a selection. ```html preview Primary Success Neutral Warning Danger ``` ```jsx react import { SlTag } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react'; const App = () => ( <> Primary Success Neutral Warning Danger ); ``` ## Examples ### Sizes Use the `size` attribute to change a tab's size. ```html preview Small Medium Large ``` ```jsx react import { SlTag } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react'; const App = () => ( <> Small Medium Large ); ``` ### Pill Use the `pill` attribute to give tabs rounded edges. ```html preview Small Medium Large ``` ```jsx react import { SlTag } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react'; const App = () => ( <> Small Medium Large ); ``` ### Removable Use the `removable` attribute to add a remove button to the tag. ```html preview
Small Medium Large
``` ```jsx react import { SlTag } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react'; const css = ` .tags-removable sl-tag { transition: var(--sl-transition-medium) opacity; } `; const App = () => { function handleRemove(event) { const tag = event.target; tag.style.opacity = '0'; setTimeout(() => tag.style.opacity = '1', 2000); } return ( <>
Small Medium Large
) }; ``` [component-metadata:sl-tag]