# Include [component-header:sl-include] Includes give you the power to embed external HTML files into the page. Included files are asynchronously requested using `window.fetch()`. Requests are cached, so the same file can be included multiple times, but only one request will be made. The included content will be inserted into the `` element's default slot so it can be easily accessed and styled through the light DOM. ```html preview ``` ```jsx react import { SlInclude } from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react'; const App = () => ( ); ``` ## Examples ### Listening for Events When an include file loads successfully, the `sl-load` event will be emitted. You can listen for this event to add custom loading logic to your includes. If the request fails, the `sl-error` event will be emitted. In this case, `event.detail.status` will contain the resulting HTTP status code of the request, e.g. 404 (not found). ```html ``` [component-metadata:sl-include]