import '../../../dist/shoelace.js'; import { aTimeout, expect, fixture, html, nextFrame, oneEvent, waitUntil } from '@open-wc/testing'; import { clickOnElement, dragElement, moveMouseOnElement } from '../../internal/test.js'; import { map } from 'lit/directives/map.js'; import { range } from 'lit/directives/range.js'; import { resetMouse } from '@web/test-runner-commands'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import type { SinonStub } from 'sinon'; import type SlCarousel from './carousel.js'; describe('', () => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const ioCallbacks = new Map(); const intersectionObserverCallbacks = () => { const callbacks = [...ioCallbacks.values()]; return waitUntil(() => callbacks.every(callback => callback.called)); }; const OriginalIntersectionObserver = globalThis.IntersectionObserver; beforeEach(() => { globalThis.IntersectionObserver = class IntersectionObserverMock extends OriginalIntersectionObserver { constructor(callback: IntersectionObserverCallback, options?: IntersectionObserverInit) { const stubCallback = sandbox.stub().callsFake(callback); super(stubCallback, options); ioCallbacks.set(this, stubCallback); } }; }); afterEach(async () => { await resetMouse(); sandbox.restore(); globalThis.IntersectionObserver = OriginalIntersectionObserver; ioCallbacks.clear(); }); it('should render a carousel with default configuration', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Assert expect(el).to.exist; expect(el).to.have.attribute('role', 'region'); expect(el).to.have.attribute('aria-label', 'Carousel'); expect(el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation')); expect(el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__pagination')); }); describe('when `autoplay` attribute is provided', () => { let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers; beforeEach(() => { clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers({ now: new Date() }); }); it('should scroll forwards every `autoplay-interval` milliseconds', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); sandbox.stub(el, 'next'); await el.updateComplete; // Act;; // Assert expect(; }); it('should pause the autoplay while the user is interacting', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); sandbox.stub(el, 'next'); await el.updateComplete; // Act el.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseenter')); await el.updateComplete;;; // Assert expect(; }); it('should not resume if the user is still interacting', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); sandbox.stub(el, 'next'); await el.updateComplete; // Act el.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseenter')); el.dispatchEvent(new Event('focusin')); await el.updateComplete; el.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseleave')); await el.updateComplete;;; // Assert expect(; }); }); describe('when `loop` attribute is provided', () => { it('should create clones of the first and last slides', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Act await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.firstElementChild).to.have.attribute('data-clone', '2'); expect(el.lastElementChild).to.have.attribute('data-clone', '0'); }); describe('and `slides-per-page` is provided', () => { it('should create multiple clones', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Act await el.updateComplete; const clones = [...el.children].filter(child => child.hasAttribute('data-clone')); // Assert expect(clones).to.have.lengthOf(4); }); }); }); describe('when `pagination` attribute is provided', () => { it('should render pagination controls', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Assert expect(el).to.exist; expect(el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation')); expect(el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__pagination')).to.exist; }); describe('and user clicks on a pagination button', () => { it('should scroll the carousel to the nth slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); sandbox.stub(el, 'goToSlide'); await el.updateComplete; // Act const paginationItem = el.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.carousel__pagination-item')[2] as HTMLElement; await clickOnElement(paginationItem); expect(el.goToSlide).to.have.been.calledWith(2); }); }); }); describe('when `navigation` attribute is provided', () => { it('should render navigation controls', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Assert expect(el).to.exist; expect(el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation')).to.exist; expect(el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__pagination')); }); }); describe('when `slides-per-page` attribute is provided', () => { it('should show multiple slides at a given time', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Act await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect('--slides-per-page').trim())'2'); }); [ [7, 2, 1, false, 6], [5, 3, 3, false, 2], [10, 2, 2, false, 5], [7, 2, 1, true, 7], [5, 3, 3, true, 2], [10, 2, 2, true, 5] ].forEach(([slides, slidesPerPage, slidesPerMove, loop, expected]: [number, number, number, boolean, number]) => { it(`should display ${expected} pages for ${slides} slides grouped by ${slidesPerPage} and scrolled by ${slidesPerMove}${ loop ? ' (loop)' : '' }`, async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` ${map(range(slides), i => html`${i}`)} `); // Assert const paginationItems = el.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.carousel__pagination-item'); expect(paginationItems.length).to.equal(expected); }); }); }); describe('when `slides-per-move` attribute is provided', () => { it('should set the granularity of snapping', async () => { // Arrange const expectedSnapGranularity = 2; const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 `); // Act await el.updateComplete; // Assert for (let i = 0; i < el.children.length; i++) { const child = el.children[i] as HTMLElement; if (i % expectedSnapGranularity === 0) { expect('scroll-snap-align'))''); } else { expect('scroll-snap-align'))'none'); } } }); it('should be possible to move by the given number of slides at a time', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 `); const expectedSlides = el.querySelectorAll('.expected')!; const nextButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--next')!; // Act await clickOnElement(nextButton); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); await el.updateComplete; // Assert for (const expectedSlide of expectedSlides) { expect(expectedSlide).to.have.class('--in-view'); expect(expectedSlide); } }); it('should be possible to move by a number that is less than the displayed number', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 `); const expectedSlides = el.querySelectorAll('.expected')!; const nextButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--next')!; // Act await clickOnElement(nextButton); await aTimeout(50); await clickOnElement(nextButton); await aTimeout(50); await clickOnElement(nextButton); await aTimeout(50); await clickOnElement(nextButton); await aTimeout(50); await clickOnElement(nextButton); await aTimeout(50); await clickOnElement(nextButton); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); await el.updateComplete; // Assert for (const expectedSlide of expectedSlides) { expect(expectedSlide).to.have.class('--in-view'); expect(expectedSlide); } }); it('should not be possible to move by a number that is greater than the displayed number', async () => { // Arrange const expectedSlidesPerMove = 2; const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 `); // Act el.slidesPerMove = 3; await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.slidesPerMove); }); }); describe('when `orientation` attribute is provided', () => { describe('and value is `vertical`', () => { it('should make the scrollable along the y-axis', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 `); // Act await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.scrollContainer.scrollWidth); expect(el.scrollContainer.scrollHeight); }); }); describe('and value is `horizontal`', () => { it('should make the scrollable along the x-axis', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 `); // Act await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.scrollContainer.scrollWidth); expect(el.scrollContainer.scrollHeight); }); }); }); describe('when `mouse-dragging` attribute is provided', () => { // TODO(alenaksu): skipping because failing in webkit, PointerEvent.movementX and PointerEvent.movementY seem to return incorrect values it.skip('should be possible to drag the carousel using the mouse', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Act await dragElement(el, -Math.round(el.offsetWidth * 0.75)); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await dragElement(el, -Math.round(el.offsetWidth * 0.75)); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.activeSlide); }); it('should be possible to interact with clickable elements', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 2 Node 3 `); const button = el.querySelector('button')!; const clickSpy = sinon.spy(); button.addEventListener('click', clickSpy); // Act await moveMouseOnElement(button); await clickOnElement(button); // Assert expect(clickSpy).to.have.been.called; }); }); describe('Navigation controls', () => { describe('when the user clicks the next button', () => { it('should scroll to the next slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const nextButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--next')!; sandbox.stub(el, 'next'); await el.updateComplete; // Act await clickOnElement(nextButton); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(; }); describe('and carousel is positioned on the last slide', () => { it('should not scroll', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const nextButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--next')!; sandbox.stub(el, 'next'); el.goToSlide(2, 'auto'); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); await el.updateComplete; // Act await clickOnElement(nextButton); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(nextButton).to.have.attribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); expect(; }); describe('and `loop` attribute is provided', () => { it('should scroll to the first slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const nextButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--next')!; el.goToSlide(2, 'auto'); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await el.updateComplete; // Act await clickOnElement(nextButton); // wait first scroll to clone await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); // wait scroll to actual item await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(nextButton).to.have.attribute('aria-disabled', 'false'); expect(el.activeSlide); }); }); }); }); describe('and clicks the previous button', () => { it('should scroll to the previous slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); // Go to the second slide so that the previous button will be enabled el.goToSlide(1, 'auto'); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await el.updateComplete; const previousButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--previous')!; sandbox.stub(el, 'previous'); await el.updateComplete; // Act await clickOnElement(previousButton); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.previous).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); describe('and carousel is positioned on the first slide', () => { it('should not scroll', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const previousButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--previous')!; sandbox.stub(el, 'previous'); await el.updateComplete; // Act await clickOnElement(previousButton); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(previousButton).to.have.attribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); expect(el.previous); }); describe('and `loop` attribute is provided', () => { it('should scroll to the last slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const previousButton: HTMLElement = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation-button--previous')!; await el.updateComplete; // Act await clickOnElement(previousButton); // wait first scroll to clone await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); // wait scroll to actual item await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); // Assert expect(previousButton).to.have.attribute('aria-disabled', 'false'); expect(el.activeSlide); }); }); }); }); }); describe('API', () => { describe('#next', () => { it('should scroll the carousel to the next slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); sandbox.spy(el, 'goToSlide'); const expectedCarouselItem: HTMLElement = el.querySelector('sl-carousel-item:nth-child(2)')!; // Act; await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await el.updateComplete; const containerRect = el.scrollContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); const itemRect = expectedCarouselItem.getBoundingClientRect(); // Assert expect(el.goToSlide).to.have.been.calledWith(1); expect(; expect(itemRect.left); }); }); describe('#previous', () => { it('should scroll the carousel to the previous slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const expectedCarouselItem: HTMLElement = el.querySelector('sl-carousel-item:nth-child(1)')!; el.goToSlide(1); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); await nextFrame(); sandbox.spy(el, 'goToSlide'); // Act el.previous(); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); const containerRect = el.scrollContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); const itemRect = expectedCarouselItem.getBoundingClientRect(); // Assert expect(el.goToSlide).to.have.been.calledWith(0); expect(; expect(itemRect.left); }); }); describe('#goToSlide', () => { it('should scroll the carousel to the nth slide', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); await el.updateComplete; // Act el.goToSlide(2); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await intersectionObserverCallbacks(); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.activeSlide); }); }); }); describe('Accessibility', () => { it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); const pagination = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__pagination')!; const navigation = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.carousel__navigation')!; await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.scrollContainer).to.have.attribute('aria-busy', 'false'); expect(el.scrollContainer).to.have.attribute('aria-atomic', 'true'); expect(pagination).to.have.attribute('role', 'tablist'); expect(pagination).to.have.attribute('aria-controls',; for (const paginationItem of pagination.querySelectorAll('.carousel__pagination-item')) { expect(paginationItem).to.have.attribute('role', 'tab'); expect(paginationItem).to.have.attribute('aria-selected'); expect(paginationItem).to.have.attribute('aria-label'); } for (const navigationItem of navigation.querySelectorAll('.carousel__navigation-item')) { expect(navigationItem).to.have.attribute('aria-controls',; expect(navigationItem).to.have.attribute('aria-disabled'); expect(navigationItem).to.have.attribute('aria-label'); } await expect(el); }); describe('when scrolling', () => { it('should update aria-busy attribute', async () => { // Arrange const el = await fixture(html` Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 `); await el.updateComplete; // Act el.goToSlide(2, 'smooth'); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scroll'); await el.updateComplete; // Assert expect(el.scrollContainer).to.have.attribute('aria-busy', 'true'); await oneEvent(el.scrollContainer, 'scrollend'); await el.updateComplete; expect(el.scrollContainer).to.have.attribute('aria-busy', 'false'); }); }); }); });