import { elementUpdated, expect, fixture, html } from '@open-wc/testing'; import type SlButtonGroup from './button-group'; describe('', () => { describe('defaults ', () => { it('passes accessibility test', async () => { const group = await fixture(html` Button 1 Label Button 2 Label Button 3 Label `); await expect(group); }); it('default label empty', async () => { const group = await fixture(html` Button 1 Label Button 2 Label Button 3 Label `); expect(group.label).to.equal(''); }); }); describe('slotted button classes', () => { it('slotted buttons have the right classes applied based on their order', async () => { const group = await fixture(html` Button 1 Label Button 2 Label Button 3 Label `); const allButtons = group.querySelectorAll('sl-button'); const hasGroupClass = Array.from(allButtons).every(button => button.classList.contains('sl-button-group__button') ); expect(hasGroupClass); expect(allButtons[0]).to.have.class('sl-button-group__button--first'); expect(allButtons[1]).to.have.class('sl-button-group__button--inner'); expect(allButtons[2]).to.have.class('sl-button-group__button--last'); }); }); describe('focus and blur events', () => { it('toggles focus class to slotted buttons on focus/blur', async () => { const group = await fixture(html` Button 1 Label Button 2 Label Button 3 Label `); const allButtons = group.querySelectorAll('sl-button'); allButtons[0].dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusin', { bubbles: true })); await elementUpdated(allButtons[0]); expect(allButtons[0].classList.contains('sl-button-group__button--focus')); allButtons[0].dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusout', { bubbles: true })); await elementUpdated(allButtons[0]); expect(allButtons[0].classList.contains('sl-button-group__button--focus')); }); }); describe('mouseover and mouseout events', () => { it('toggles hover class to slotted buttons on mouseover/mouseout', async () => { const group = await fixture(html` Button 1 Label Button 2 Label Button 3 Label `); const allButtons = group.querySelectorAll('sl-button'); allButtons[0].dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseover', { bubbles: true })); await elementUpdated(allButtons[0]); expect(allButtons[0].classList.contains('sl-button-group__button--hover')); allButtons[0].dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseout', { bubbles: true })); await elementUpdated(allButtons[0]); expect(allButtons[0].classList.contains('sl-button-group__button--hover')); }); }); });