(() => { const isDev = location.hostname === 'localhost'; const isNext = location.hostname === 'next.shoelace.style'; const customElements = fetch('/dist/custom-elements.json') .then(res => res.json()) .catch(err => console.error(err)); function createPropsTable(props) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Attribute Description Reflects Type Default ${props .map(prop => { return ` ${escapeHtml(prop.name)} ${prop.attribute ? `${escapeHtml(prop.attribute)}` : '-'} ${escapeHtml(prop.description)} ${ prop.reflects ? '' : '' } ${prop.type?.text ? `${escapeHtml(prop.type?.text || '')}` : '-'} ${prop.default ? `${escapeHtml(prop.default)}` : '-'} `; }) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createEventsTable(events) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Description Event Detail ${events .map( event => ` ${escapeHtml(event.name)} ${escapeHtml(event.description)} ${event.type?.text ? `${escapeHtml(event.type?.text)}` : '-'} ` ) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createMethodsTable(methods) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Description Arguments ${methods .map( method => ` ${escapeHtml(method.name)} ${escapeHtml(method.description)} ${ method.parameters?.length ? ` ${escapeHtml( method.parameters.map(param => `${param.name}: ${param.type.text}`).join(', ') )} ` : '-' } ` ) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createSlotsTable(slots) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Description ${slots .map( slot => ` ${slot.name ? `${escapeHtml(slot.name)}` : '(default)'} ${escapeHtml(slot.description)} ` ) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createCustomPropertiesTable(styles) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Description ${styles .map( style => ` ${escapeHtml(style.name)} ${escapeHtml(style.description)} ` ) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createPartsTable(parts) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Description ${parts .map( part => ` ${escapeHtml(part.name)} ${escapeHtml(part.description)} ` ) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createAnimationsTable(animations) { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.innerHTML = ` Name Description ${animations .map( animation => ` ${escapeHtml(animation.name)} ${escapeHtml(animation.description)} ` ) .join('')} `; return table.outerHTML; } function createDependenciesList(targetComponent, allComponents) { const ul = document.createElement('ul'); const dependencies = []; // Recursively fetch subdependencies function getDependencies(tag) { const component = allComponents.find(c => c.tagName === tag); if (!component || !Array.isArray(component.dependencies)) { return []; } component.dependencies?.map(tag => { if (!dependencies.includes(tag)) { dependencies.push(tag); } getDependencies(tag); }); } getDependencies(targetComponent); dependencies.sort().map(tag => { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = `<${tag}>`; ul.appendChild(li); }); return ul.outerHTML; } function escapeHtml(html) { return (html + '') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, ''') .replace(/`(.*?)`/g, '$1'); } function getAllComponents(metadata) { const allComponents = []; metadata.modules?.map(module => { module.declarations?.map(declaration => { if (declaration.customElement) { allComponents.push(declaration); } }); }); return allComponents; } function getComponent(metadata, tagName) { return getAllComponents(metadata).find(component => component.tagName === tagName); } if (!window.$docsify) { throw new Error('Docsify must be loaded before installing this plugin.'); } window.$docsify.plugins.push((hook, vm) => { hook.mounted(async function () { const metadata = await customElements; const target = document.querySelector('.app-name'); // Add version const version = document.createElement('div'); version.classList.add('sidebar-version'); version.textContent = isDev ? 'Development' : isNext ? 'Next' : metadata.package.version; target.appendChild(version); // Store version for reuse sessionStorage.setItem('sl-version', metadata.package.version); // Add repo buttons const buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.classList.add('sidebar-buttons'); buttons.innerHTML = ` Sponsor Star Follow `; target.appendChild(buttons); }); hook.beforeEach(async function (content, next) { const metadata = await customElements; // Replace %VERSION% placeholders content = content.replace(/%VERSION%/g, metadata.package.version); // Handle [component-header] tags content = content.replace(/\[component-header:([a-z-]+)\]/g, (match, tag) => { const component = getComponent(metadata, tag); let result = ''; if (!component) { console.error('Component not found in metadata: ' + tag); return next(content); } let badgeType = 'neutral'; if (component.status === 'stable') badgeType = 'primary'; if (component.status === 'experimental') badgeType = 'warning'; if (component.status === 'planned') badgeType = 'neutral'; if (component.status === 'deprecated') badgeType = 'danger'; result += `
<${component.tagName}> | ${component.name}
Since ${component.since || '?'} ${component.status}
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