import { expect, fixture, html, oneEvent, waitUntil } from '@open-wc/testing'; import { sendKeys } from '@web/test-runner-commands'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { serialize } from '../../utilities/form'; import type SlTextarea from './textarea'; describe('', () => { it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); await expect(el); }); it('default properties', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.size).to.equal('medium'); expect(''); expect(el.value).to.equal(''); expect(el.defaultValue).to.equal(''); expect(el.title).to.equal(''); expect(el.filled); expect(el.label).to.equal(''); expect(el.helpText).to.equal(''); expect(el.placeholder).to.equal(''); expect(el.rows).to.equal(4); expect(el.resize).to.equal('vertical'); expect(el.disabled); expect(el.readonly); expect(el.minlength); expect(el.maxlength); expect(el.required); expect(el.autocapitalize); expect(el.autocorrect); expect(el.autocomplete); expect(el.autofocus); expect(el.enterkeyhint); expect(el.spellcheck); expect(el.inputmode); }); it('should have title if title attribute is set', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const textarea = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('textarea')!; expect(textarea.title).to.equal('Test'); }); it('should be disabled with the disabled attribute', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const textarea = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="textarea"]')!; expect(textarea.disabled); }); it('should focus the textarea when clicking on the label', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const label = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="form-control-label"]')!; const submitHandler = sinon.spy(); el.addEventListener('sl-focus', submitHandler); (label as HTMLLabelElement).click(); await waitUntil(() => submitHandler.calledOnce); expect(submitHandler).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); describe('when the value changes', () => { it('should emit sl-change and sl-input when the user types in the textarea', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const inputHandler = sinon.spy(); const changeHandler = sinon.spy(); el.addEventListener('sl-input', inputHandler); el.addEventListener('sl-change', changeHandler); el.focus(); await sendKeys({ type: 'abc' }); el.blur(); await el.updateComplete; expect(changeHandler).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(inputHandler).to.have.been.calledThrice; }); it('should not emit sl-change or sl-input when the value is set programmatically', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); el.addEventListener('sl-change', () =>'sl-change should not be emitted')); el.addEventListener('sl-input', () =>'sl-input should not be emitted')); el.value = 'abc'; await el.updateComplete; }); it('should not emit sl-change or sl-input when calling setRangeText()', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); el.addEventListener('sl-change', () =>'sl-change should not be emitted')); el.addEventListener('sl-input', () =>'sl-input should not be emitted')); el.focus(); el.setSelectionRange(0, 2); el.setRangeText('hello'); await el.updateComplete; }); }); describe('when using constraint validation', () => { it('should be valid by default', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.invalid); }); it('should be invalid when required and empty', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); expect(el.invalid); }); it('should be invalid when required and after removing disabled ', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); el.disabled = false; await el.updateComplete; expect(el.invalid); }); it('should be invalid when required and disabled is removed', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); el.disabled = false; await el.updateComplete; expect(el.invalid); }); }); describe('when serializing', () => { it('should serialize its name and value with FormData', async () => { const form = await fixture(html`
`); const formData = new FormData(form); expect(formData.get('a')).to.equal('1'); }); it('should serialize its name and value with JSON', async () => { const form = await fixture(html`
`); const json = serialize(form); expect(json.a).to.equal('1'); }); }); describe('when resetting a form', () => { it('should reset the element to its initial value', async () => { const form = await fixture(html`
`); const button = form.querySelector('sl-button')!; const textarea = form.querySelector('sl-textarea')!; textarea.value = '1234'; await textarea.updateComplete; setTimeout(() =>; await oneEvent(form, 'reset'); await textarea.updateComplete; expect(textarea.value).to.equal('test'); textarea.defaultValue = ''; setTimeout(() =>; await oneEvent(form, 'reset'); await textarea.updateComplete; expect(textarea.value).to.equal(''); }); }); describe('when using spellcheck', () => { it('should enable spellcheck when no attribute is present', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const textarea = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('textarea')!; expect(textarea.getAttribute('spellcheck')).to.equal('true'); expect(textarea.spellcheck); }); it('should enable spellcheck when set to "true"', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const textarea = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('textarea')!; expect(textarea.getAttribute('spellcheck')).to.equal('true'); expect(textarea.spellcheck); }); it('should disable spellcheck when set to "false"', async () => { const el = await fixture(html` `); const textarea = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('textarea')!; expect(textarea.getAttribute('spellcheck')).to.equal('false'); expect(textarea.spellcheck); }); }); });