import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit'; import { classMap } from 'lit-html/directives/class-map.js'; import { ifDefined } from 'lit-html/directives/if-defined.js'; export const renderFormControl = ( props: { /** The input id, used to map the input to the label */ inputId: string; /** The size of the form control */ size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; /** The label id, used to map the label to the input */ labelId?: string; /** The label text (if the label slot isn't used) */ label?: string; /** Whether or not a label slot has been provided. */ hasLabelSlot?: boolean; /** The help text id, used to map the input to the help text */ helpTextId?: string; /** The help text (if the help-text slot isn't used) */ helpText?: string; /** Whether or not a help text slot has been provided. */ hasHelpTextSlot?: boolean; /** A function that gets called when the label is clicked. */ onLabelClick?: (event: MouseEvent) => void; }, input: TemplateResult ) => { const hasLabel = props.label ? true : !!props.hasLabelSlot; const hasHelpText = props.helpText ? true : !!props.hasHelpTextSlot; return html`
`; }; export function getLabelledBy(props: { /** The label id, used to map the label to the input */ labelId: string; /** The label text (if the label slot isn't used) */ label: string; /** Whether or not a label slot has been provided. */ hasLabelSlot: boolean; /** The help text id, used to map the input to the help text */ helpTextId: string; /** The help text (if the help-text slot isn't used) */ helpText: string; /** Whether or not a help text slot has been provided. */ hasHelpTextSlot: boolean; }) { const labelledBy = [ props.label || props.hasLabelSlot ? props.labelId : '', props.helpText || props.hasHelpTextSlot ? props.helpTextId : '' ].filter(val => val); return labelledBy.join(' ') || undefined; }