# Installation You can use Shoelace via CDN or by installing it locally. ## CDN Installation (Recommended) The easiest way to install Shoelace is with the CDN. A lightweight loader will be added to your page that registers components asynchronously as you use them. It's like magic. ✨ Just add the following tags to your page. ```html ``` Now you can [start using Shoelace components!](/getting-started/usage.md) ## Local Installation If you don't want to use the CDN, you can install Shoelace locally with the following command. ```sh npm install @shoelace-style/shoelace ``` It's up to you to make the source files available to your app. One way to do this is to create a route in your app called `/assets/shoelace` that serves static files from `node_modules/@shoelace-style/shoelace`. Once you've done that, add the following tags to your page. Make sure to update `href` and `src` so they point to the route you created. ```html ``` Now you can [start using Shoelace components!](/getting-started/usage.md)