test: components/breadcrumb-item (#541)

* test: migrate skipped tests to the breadcrumb-item

* test: when rendering a HTMLAnchorElement

* test: add checks for classes.

* test: uplift langauge and query selector to test label part

* test: default button test

* refactor: set default for rel on prop declaration.
Christos Hrousis 2021-09-28 22:27:19 +10:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic ded01cfd8a
commit bc3e9c43da
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 zmienionych plików z 158 dodań i 22 usunięć

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@ -1,13 +1,160 @@
import { expect, fixture, html, waitUntil } from '@open-wc/testing';
// import sinon from 'sinon';
import { expect, fixture, html } from '@open-wc/testing';
import '../../../dist/shoelace.js';
import type SlBreadcrumbItem from './breadcrumb-item';
describe('<sl-breadcrumb-item>', () => {
it('should render a component', async () => {
const el = await fixture(html` <sl-breadcrumb-item></sl-breadcrumb-item> `);
let el: SlBreadcrumbItem;
describe('when not provided a href attribute', async () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlBreadcrumbItem>(html` <sl-breadcrumb-item>Home</sl-breadcrumb-item> `);
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
it('should hide the seperator from screen readers', async () => {
const separator: HTMLSpanElement = el.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="separator"]');
expect(separator).attribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
it('should render a HTMLButtonElement as the part "label", with a set type "button"', () => {
const button: HTMLButtonElement = el.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="label"]');
expect(button).attribute('type', 'button');
describe('when provided a href attribute', async () => {
describe('and no target', () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlBreadcrumbItem>(html`
<sl-breadcrumb-item href="https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/">Home</sl-breadcrumb-item>
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
it('should render a HTMLAnchorElement as the part "label", with the supplied href value', () => {
const hyperlink: HTMLAnchorElement = el.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="label"]');
expect(hyperlink).attribute('href', 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/');
describe('and target, without rel', () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlBreadcrumbItem>(html`
<sl-breadcrumb-item href="https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/" target="_blank">Help</sl-breadcrumb-item>
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
describe('should render a HTMLAnchorElement as the part "label"', () => {
let hyperlink: HTMLAnchorElement;
before(() => {
hyperlink = el.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="label"]');
it('should use the supplied href value, as the href attribute value', () => {
expect(hyperlink).attribute('href', 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/');
it('should default rel attribute to "noreferrer noopener"', () => {
expect(hyperlink).attribute('rel', 'noreferrer noopener');
describe('and target, with rel', () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlBreadcrumbItem>(html`
<sl-breadcrumb-item href="https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/" target="_blank" rel="alternate"
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
describe('should render a HTMLAnchorElement', () => {
let hyperlink: HTMLAnchorElement;
before(() => {
hyperlink = el.shadowRoot.querySelector('a');
it('should use the supplied href value, as the href attribute value', () => {
expect(hyperlink).attribute('href', 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/');
it('should use the supplied rel value, as the rel attribute value', () => {
expect(hyperlink).attribute('rel', 'alternate');
describe('when provided an element in the slot "prefix" to support prefix icons', async () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlBreadcrumbItem>(html`
<span class="prefix-example" slot="prefix">/</span>
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
it('should accept as an assigned child in the shadow root', () => {
const slot = <HTMLSlotElement>el.shadowRoot.querySelector('slot[name=prefix]');
const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true });
it('should append class "breadcrumb-item--has-prefix" to "base" part', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('[part="base"]') as HTMLElement;
expect(part.classList.value).to.equal('breadcrumb-item breadcrumb-item--has-prefix');
describe('when provided an element in the slot "suffix" to support suffix icons', async () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlBreadcrumbItem>(html`
<span class="prefix-example" slot="suffix">/</span>
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
it('should accept as an assigned child in the shadow root', () => {
const slot = <HTMLSlotElement>el.shadowRoot.querySelector('slot[name=suffix]');
const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true });
it('should append class "breadcrumb-item--has-suffix" to "base" part', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot?.querySelector('[part="base"]') as HTMLElement;
expect(part.classList.value).to.equal('breadcrumb-item breadcrumb-item--has-suffix');

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@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ export default class SlBreadcrumbItem extends LitElement {
/** Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when `href` is set. */
@property() target: '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top';
/** Optionally allows the user to determine how the link should talk to the browser.
* ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Link_types
@property() rel: string = 'noreferrer noopener';
handleSlotChange() {
this.hasPrefix = hasSlot(this, 'prefix');
this.hasSuffix = hasSlot(this, 'suffix');
@ -62,7 +67,7 @@ export default class SlBreadcrumbItem extends LitElement {
class="breadcrumb-item__label breadcrumb-item__label--link"
rel=${ifDefined(this.target ? 'noreferrer noopener' : undefined)}
rel=${ifDefined(this.target ? this.rel : undefined)}

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@ -80,14 +80,6 @@ describe('<sl-breadcrumb>', () => {
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
it.skip('should accept "prefix" as an assigned child in the shadow root', () => {
// TODO: I suspect this test doesn't work because the slot resides inside the breadcrumb-item not the breadcrumb list
const slot = <HTMLSlotElement>el.shadowRoot.querySelector('slot[name=prefix]');
const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true });
describe('when provided a standard list of el-breadcrumb-item children and an element in the slot "suffix" to support suffix icons', async () => {
@ -108,13 +100,5 @@ describe('<sl-breadcrumb>', () => {
it('should render a component that passes accessibility test', async () => {
await expect(el).to.be.accessible();
it.skip('should accept "suffix" as an assigned child in the shadow root', () => {
// TODO: I suspect this test doesn't work because the slot resides inside the breadcrumb-item not the breadcrumb list
const slot = <HTMLSlotElement>el.shadowRoot.querySelector('slot[name=suffix]');
const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true });