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feat: add carousel component feat: add nav indicators wip wip wip fix: minor fixes fix: minor fixes fix: some refactor chore: update docs chore: update docs fix: remove slide component feat: create sl-carousel-item feat: code refactoring and improvements chore: update docs with more examples chore: fix docs feat: add autoplay feat: implement accessibility fix: change icons for rtl chore: minor change feat: improve accessibility fix: minor regression fix: minor regression chore: fix docs fix: improve accessibility and minor fixes fix: remove heading and refactor component chore: add custom style exmaple fix: address review commnets * Removed header from carousel * Added `ArrowUp` and `ArrowDown` in keyboard navigation * Added `--scroll-hint-margin` css property * Added an example with customized carousel layout * Fixed thumbnails navigation in demo * Renamed show-controls to show-arrows and updated the corresponding parts/css accordingly * Changed `activeSlideElement` getter to a private method * Changed pagination colors * Added `--slide-width` and `--slide-height` css properties chore: update docs fix: integrate latest repo changes fix: add aspect ratio and rebase chore: remove ignore path feat: multiple slides per page feat: multiple slide per page fix: various improvements chore: minor changes chore: minor changes chore: add bit of documentation chore: improve documentation fix: add unit tests and fix minor issues chore: update documentation and unit tests chore: update tests
2022-08-06 08:45:45 +00:00
import { html } from 'lit';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element';
import styles from './carousel-item.styles';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
* @summary A carousel item represent a slide within a [carousel](/components/carousel).
* @since 2.0
* @status experimental
* @slot - The carousel item's content..
* @cssproperty --aspect-ratio - The aspect ratio of the slide.
export default class SlCarouselItem extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup = styles;
static isCarouselItem(node: Node) {
return node instanceof Element && node.getAttribute('aria-roledescription') === 'slide';
connectedCallback() {
this.setAttribute('role', 'listitem');
this.setAttribute('aria-roledescription', 'slide');
render() {
return html` <slot></slot> `;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'sl-carousel-item': SlCarouselItem;