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import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { defaultValue } from '../../internal/default-value.js';
import { FormControlController } from '../../internal/form.js';
import { HasSlotController } from '../../internal/slot.js';
import { html } from 'lit';
import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
import { live } from 'lit/directives/live.js';
import { LocalizeController } from '../../utilities/localize.js';
import { property, query, state } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { watch } from '../../internal/watch.js';
import componentStyles from '../../styles/component.styles.js';
import formControlStyles from '../../styles/form-control.styles.js';
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import SlIcon from '../icon/icon.component.js';
import styles from './input.styles.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
import type { ShoelaceFormControl } from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
* @summary Inputs collect data from the user.
* @documentation
* @status stable
* @since 2.0
* @dependency sl-icon
* @slot label - The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the `label` attribute.
* @slot prefix - Used to prepend a presentational icon or similar element to the input.
* @slot suffix - Used to append a presentational icon or similar element to the input.
* @slot clear-icon - An icon to use in lieu of the default clear icon.
* @slot show-password-icon - An icon to use in lieu of the default show password icon.
* @slot hide-password-icon - An icon to use in lieu of the default hide password icon.
* @slot help-text - Text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the `help-text` attribute.
* @event sl-blur - Emitted when the control loses focus.
* @event sl-change - Emitted when an alteration to the control's value is committed by the user.
* @event sl-clear - Emitted when the clear button is activated.
* @event sl-focus - Emitted when the control gains focus.
* @event sl-input - Emitted when the control receives input.
* @event sl-invalid - Emitted when the form control has been checked for validity and its constraints aren't satisfied.
* @csspart form-control - The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text.
* @csspart form-control-label - The label's wrapper.
* @csspart form-control-input - The input's wrapper.
* @csspart form-control-help-text - The help text's wrapper.
* @csspart base - The component's base wrapper.
* @csspart input - The internal `<input>` control.
* @csspart prefix - The container that wraps the prefix.
* @csspart clear-button - The clear button.
* @csspart password-toggle-button - The password toggle button.
* @csspart suffix - The container that wraps the suffix.
export default class SlInput extends ShoelaceElement implements ShoelaceFormControl {
static styles: CSSResultGroup = [componentStyles, formControlStyles, styles];
static dependencies = { 'sl-icon': SlIcon };
private readonly formControlController = new FormControlController(this, {
assumeInteractionOn: ['sl-blur', 'sl-input']
private readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'help-text', 'label');
private readonly localize = new LocalizeController(this);
@query('.input__control') input: HTMLInputElement;
@state() private hasFocus = false;
@property() title = ''; // make reactive to pass through
private __numberInput = Object.assign(document.createElement('input'), { type: 'number' });
private __dateInput = Object.assign(document.createElement('input'), { type: 'date' });
* The type of input. Works the same as a native `<input>` element, but only a subset of types are supported. Defaults
* to `text`.
@property({ reflect: true }) type:
| 'date'
| 'datetime-local'
| 'email'
| 'number'
| 'password'
| 'search'
| 'tel'
| 'text'
| 'time'
| 'url' = 'text';
/** The name of the input, submitted as a name/value pair with form data. */
@property() name = '';
/** The current value of the input, submitted as a name/value pair with form data. */
@property() value = '';
/** The default value of the form control. Primarily used for resetting the form control. */
@defaultValue() defaultValue = '';
/** The input's size. */
@property({ reflect: true }) size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' = 'medium';
/** Draws a filled input. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) filled = false;
/** Draws a pill-style input with rounded edges. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) pill = false;
/** The input's label. If you need to display HTML, use the `label` slot instead. */
@property() label = '';
/** The input's help text. If you need to display HTML, use the `help-text` slot instead. */
@property({ attribute: 'help-text' }) helpText = '';
/** Adds a clear button when the input is not empty. */
@property({ type: Boolean }) clearable = false;
/** Disables the input. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) disabled = false;
/** Placeholder text to show as a hint when the input is empty. */
@property() placeholder = '';
/** Makes the input readonly. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) readonly = false;
/** Adds a button to toggle the password's visibility. Only applies to password types. */
@property({ attribute: 'password-toggle', type: Boolean }) passwordToggle = false;
/** Determines whether or not the password is currently visible. Only applies to password input types. */
@property({ attribute: 'password-visible', type: Boolean }) passwordVisible = false;
/** Hides the browser's built-in increment/decrement spin buttons for number inputs. */
@property({ attribute: 'no-spin-buttons', type: Boolean }) noSpinButtons = false;
* By default, form controls are associated with the nearest containing `<form>` element. This attribute allows you
* to place the form control outside of a form and associate it with the form that has this `id`. The form must be in
* the same document or shadow root for this to work.
@property({ reflect: true }) form = '';
/** Makes the input a required field. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) required = false;
/** A regular expression pattern to validate input against. */
@property() pattern: string;
/** The minimum length of input that will be considered valid. */
@property({ type: Number }) minlength: number;
/** The maximum length of input that will be considered valid. */
@property({ type: Number }) maxlength: number;
/** The input's minimum value. Only applies to date and number input types. */
@property() min: number | string;
/** The input's maximum value. Only applies to date and number input types. */
@property() max: number | string;
* Specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to, or the special value `any` which means no stepping is
* implied, allowing any numeric value. Only applies to date and number input types.
@property() step: number | 'any';
/** Controls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized as it is entered by the user. */
@property() autocapitalize: 'off' | 'none' | 'on' | 'sentences' | 'words' | 'characters';
/** Indicates whether the browser's autocorrect feature is on or off. */
@property() autocorrect: 'off' | 'on';
* Specifies what permission the browser has to provide assistance in filling out form field values. Refer to
* [this page on MDN]( for available values.
@property() autocomplete: string;
/** Indicates that the input should receive focus on page load. */
@property({ type: Boolean }) autofocus: boolean;
/** Used to customize the label or icon of the Enter key on virtual keyboards. */
@property() enterkeyhint: 'enter' | 'done' | 'go' | 'next' | 'previous' | 'search' | 'send';
/** Enables spell checking on the input. */
type: Boolean,
converter: {
// Allow "true|false" attribute values but keep the property boolean
fromAttribute: value => (!value || value === 'false' ? false : true),
toAttribute: value => (value ? 'true' : 'false')
spellcheck = true;
* Tells the browser what type of data will be entered by the user, allowing it to display the appropriate virtual
* keyboard on supportive devices.
@property() inputmode: 'none' | 'text' | 'decimal' | 'numeric' | 'tel' | 'search' | 'email' | 'url';
// NOTE: We use an in-memory input for these getters/setters instead of the one in the template because the properties
// can be set before the component is rendered.
* Gets or sets the current value as a `Date` object. Returns `null` if the value can't be converted. This will use the native `<input type="{{type}}">` implementation and may result in an error.
get valueAsDate() {
this.__dateInput.type = this.type;
this.__dateInput.value = this.value;
return this.input?.valueAsDate || this.__dateInput.valueAsDate;
set valueAsDate(newValue: Date | null) {
this.__dateInput.type = this.type;
this.__dateInput.valueAsDate = newValue;
this.value = this.__dateInput.value;
/** Gets or sets the current value as a number. Returns `NaN` if the value can't be converted. */
get valueAsNumber() {
this.__numberInput.value = this.value;
return this.input?.valueAsNumber || this.__numberInput.valueAsNumber;
set valueAsNumber(newValue: number) {
this.__numberInput.valueAsNumber = newValue;
this.value = this.__numberInput.value;
/** Gets the validity state object */
get validity() {
return this.input.validity;
/** Gets the validation message */
get validationMessage() {
return this.input.validationMessage;
firstUpdated() {
private handleBlur() {
this.hasFocus = false;
private handleChange() {
this.value = this.input.value;
private handleClearClick(event: MouseEvent) {
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if (this.value !== '') {
this.value = '';
private handleFocus() {
this.hasFocus = true;
private handleInput() {
this.value = this.input.value;
private handleInvalid(event: Event) {
private handleKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
const hasModifier = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey;
// Pressing enter when focused on an input should submit the form like a native input, but we wait a tick before
// submitting to allow users to cancel the keydown event if they need to
if (event.key === 'Enter' && !hasModifier) {
setTimeout(() => {
// When using an Input Method Editor (IME), pressing enter will cause the form to submit unexpectedly. One way
// to check for this is to look at event.isComposing, which will be true when the IME is open.
// See
if (!event.defaultPrevented && !event.isComposing) {
private handlePasswordToggle() {
this.passwordVisible = !this.passwordVisible;
@watch('disabled', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true })
handleDisabledChange() {
// Disabled form controls are always valid
@watch('step', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true })
handleStepChange() {
// If step changes, the value may become invalid so we need to recheck after the update. We set the new step
// imperatively so we don't have to wait for the next render to report the updated validity.
this.input.step = String(this.step);
@watch('value', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true })
async handleValueChange() {
await this.updateComplete;
/** Sets focus on the input. */
focus(options?: FocusOptions) {
/** Removes focus from the input. */
blur() {
/** Selects all the text in the input. */
select() {;
/** Sets the start and end positions of the text selection (0-based). */
selectionStart: number,
selectionEnd: number,
selectionDirection: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'none' = 'none'
) {
this.input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectionDirection);
/** Replaces a range of text with a new string. */
replacement: string,
start?: number,
end?: number,
selectMode: 'select' | 'start' | 'end' | 'preserve' = 'preserve'
) {
const selectionStart = start ?? this.input.selectionStart!;
const selectionEnd = end ?? this.input.selectionEnd!;
this.input.setRangeText(replacement, selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectMode);
if (this.value !== this.input.value) {
this.value = this.input.value;
/** Displays the browser picker for an input element (only works if the browser supports it for the input type). */
showPicker() {
if ('showPicker' in HTMLInputElement.prototype) {
/** Increments the value of a numeric input type by the value of the step attribute. */
stepUp() {
if (this.value !== this.input.value) {
this.value = this.input.value;
/** Decrements the value of a numeric input type by the value of the step attribute. */
stepDown() {
if (this.value !== this.input.value) {
this.value = this.input.value;
/** Checks for validity but does not show a validation message. Returns `true` when valid and `false` when invalid. */
checkValidity() {
return this.input.checkValidity();
/** Gets the associated form, if one exists. */
getForm(): HTMLFormElement | null {
return this.formControlController.getForm();
/** Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid. */
reportValidity() {
return this.input.reportValidity();
/** Sets a custom validation message. Pass an empty string to restore validity. */
setCustomValidity(message: string) {
render() {
const hasLabelSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('label');
const hasHelpTextSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('help-text');
const hasLabel = this.label ? true : !!hasLabelSlot;
const hasHelpText = this.helpText ? true : !!hasHelpTextSlot;
const hasClearIcon = this.clearable && !this.disabled && !this.readonly;
const isClearIconVisible = hasClearIcon && (typeof this.value === 'number' || this.value.length > 0);
return html`
'form-control': true,
'form-control--small': this.size === 'small',
'form-control--medium': this.size === 'medium',
'form-control--large': this.size === 'large',
'form-control--has-label': hasLabel,
'form-control--has-help-text': hasHelpText
aria-hidden=${hasLabel ? 'false' : 'true'}
<slot name="label">${this.label}</slot>
<div part="form-control-input" class="form-control-input">
input: true,
// Sizes
'input--small': this.size === 'small',
'input--medium': this.size === 'medium',
'input--large': this.size === 'large',
// States
'input--pill': this.pill,
'input--standard': !this.filled,
'input--filled': this.filled,
'input--disabled': this.disabled,
'input--focused': this.hasFocus,
'input--empty': !this.value,
'input--no-spin-buttons': this.noSpinButtons
<span part="prefix" class="input__prefix">
<slot name="prefix"></slot>
type=${this.type === 'password' && this.passwordVisible ? 'text' : this.type}
title=${this.title /* An empty title prevents browser validation tooltips from appearing on hover */}
step=${ifDefined(this.step as number)}
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? html`
2024-03-06 13:30:25 +00:00
<slot name="clear-icon">
<sl-icon name="x-circle-fill" library="system"></sl-icon>
: ''}
${this.passwordToggle && !this.disabled
? html`
aria-label=${this.localize.term(this.passwordVisible ? 'hidePassword' : 'showPassword')}
? html`
<slot name="show-password-icon">
<sl-icon name="eye-slash" library="system"></sl-icon>
: html`
<slot name="hide-password-icon">
<sl-icon name="eye" library="system"></sl-icon>
: ''}
<span part="suffix" class="input__suffix">
<slot name="suffix"></slot>
aria-hidden=${hasHelpText ? 'false' : 'true'}
<slot name="help-text">${this.helpText}</slot>