description: Outputs a localized time phrase relative to the current date and time.
layout: component
Localization is handled by the browser's [`Intl.RelativeTimeFormat` API]( No language packs are required.
The `date` attribute determines when the date/time is calculated from. It must be a string that [`Date.parse()`]( can interpret or a [`Date`]( object set via JavaScript.
When using strings, avoid ambiguous dates such as `03/04/2020` which can be interpreted as March 4 or April 3 depending on the user's browser and locale. Instead, always use a valid [ISO 8601 date time string]( to ensure the date will be parsed properly by all clients.
## Examples
### Keeping Time in Sync
Use the `sync` attribute to update the displayed value automatically as time passes.
You can change how the time is displayed using the `format` attribute. Note that some locales may display the same values for `narrow` and `short` formats.