/** @file ErrorReporting.cpp @author Lime Microsystems @brief API for reporting error codes and error messages. */ #include "ErrorReporting.h" #include //strerror #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define thread_local __declspec( thread ) #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #define thread_local __thread #endif #define MAX_MSG_LEN 1024 thread_local int _reportedErrorCode; thread_local char _reportedErrorMessage[MAX_MSG_LEN]; static const char *errToStr(const int errnum) { thread_local static char buff[MAX_MSG_LEN]; #ifdef _MSC_VER FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errnum, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&buff, sizeof(buff), NULL); return buff; #else //http://linux.die.net/man/3/strerror_r #if ((_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600) && ! _GNU_SOURCE) || __APPLE__ strerror_r(errnum, buff, sizeof(buff)); #else //this version may decide to use its own internal string //return strerror_r(errnum, buff, sizeof(buff)); return buff; #endif return buff; #endif } int lime::GetLastError(void) { return _reportedErrorCode; } const char *lime::GetLastErrorMessage(void) { return _reportedErrorMessage; } int lime::ReportError(const int errnum) { return lime::ReportError(errnum, errToStr(errnum)); } int lime::ReportError(const int errnum, const char *format, va_list argList) { _reportedErrorCode = errnum; vsnprintf(_reportedErrorMessage, MAX_MSG_LEN, format, argList); return errnum; }