/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef INCLUDE_OPENAIP_H #define INCLUDE_OPENAIP_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "export.h" #include "util/units.h" #include "util/httpdownloadmanager.h" // Server is moving, use new URL and .xml extension instead of .aip //#define OPENAIP_AIRSPACE_URL "https://www.openaip.net/customer_export_akfshb9237tgwiuvb4tgiwbf/%1_asp.aip" //#define OPENAIP_NAVAIDS_URL "https://www.openaip.net/customer_export_akfshb9237tgwiuvb4tgiwbf/%1_nav.aip" #define OPENAIP_AIRSPACE_URL "https://storage.googleapis.com/29f98e10-a489-4c82-ae5e-489dbcd4912f/%1_asp.xml" #define OPENAIP_NAVAIDS_URL "https://storage.googleapis.com/29f98e10-a489-4c82-ae5e-489dbcd4912f/%1_nav.xml" struct SDRBASE_API Airspace { struct AltLimit { QString m_reference; // STD, MSL int m_alt; // Altitude QString m_altUnit; // FL (Flight level) or F (Feet) }; QString m_category; // A-G, GLIDING, DANGER, PROHIBITED, TMZ QString m_country; // GB QString m_name; // BIGGIN HILL ATZ 129.405 - TODO: Extract frequency so we can tune to it AltLimit m_top; // Top of airspace AltLimit m_bottom; // Bottom of airspace QVector m_polygon; QPointF m_center; // Center of polygon QPointF m_position; // Position for text (not at the center, otherwise it will clash with airport) void calculatePosition() { qreal minX, maxX; qreal minY, maxY; if (m_polygon.size() > 0) { minX = maxX = m_polygon[0].x(); minY = maxY = m_polygon[0].y(); for (int i = 1; i < m_polygon.size(); i++) { qreal x = m_polygon[i].x(); qreal y = m_polygon[i].y(); minX = std::min(minX, x); maxX = std::max(maxX, x); minY = std::min(minY, y); maxY = std::max(maxY, y); } m_center.setX(minX + (maxX - minX) / 2.0); m_center.setY(minY + (maxY - minY) * 2.0); m_position.setX(minX + (maxX - minX) / 2.0); m_position.setY(minY + (maxY - minY) * 3.0 / 4.0); } } QString getAlt(const AltLimit *altlimit) const { // Format on UK charts if (altlimit->m_alt == 0) { return "SFC"; // Surface } if (altlimit->m_altUnit == "FL") { return QString("FL%1").arg(altlimit->m_alt); } else if (altlimit->m_altUnit == "F") { return QString("%1'").arg(altlimit->m_alt); } else { return QString("%1 %2").arg(altlimit->m_alt).arg(altlimit->m_altUnit); } } double heightInMetres(const AltLimit *altlimit) const { if (altlimit->m_altUnit == "FL") { return Units::feetToMetres(altlimit->m_alt * 100); } else if (altlimit->m_altUnit == "F") { return Units::feetToMetres(altlimit->m_alt); } else { return altlimit->m_alt; } } double topHeightInMetres() const { return heightInMetres(&m_top); } double bottomHeightInMetres() const { return heightInMetres(&m_bottom); } // Read OpenAIP XML file static QList readXML(const QString &filename) { QList airspaces; QFile file(filename); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QXmlStreamReader xmlReader(&file); while(!xmlReader.atEnd() && !xmlReader.hasError()) { if (xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == "ASP") { Airspace *airspace = new Airspace(); airspace->m_category = xmlReader.attributes().value("CATEGORY").toString(); while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("COUNTRY")) { airspace->m_country = xmlReader.readElementText(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("NAME")) { airspace->m_name = xmlReader.readElementText(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ALTLIMIT_TOP")) { while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { airspace->m_top.m_reference = xmlReader.attributes().value("REFERENCE").toString(); airspace->m_top.m_altUnit = xmlReader.attributes().value("UNIT").toString(); if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ALT")) { airspace->m_top.m_alt = xmlReader.readElementText().toInt(); } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ALTLIMIT_BOTTOM")) { while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { airspace->m_bottom.m_reference = xmlReader.attributes().value("REFERENCE").toString(); airspace->m_bottom.m_altUnit = xmlReader.attributes().value("UNIT").toString(); if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ALT")) { airspace->m_bottom.m_alt = xmlReader.readElementText().toInt(); } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("GEOMETRY")) { while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("POLYGON")) { QString pointsString = xmlReader.readElementText(); QStringList points = pointsString.split(","); for (const auto& ps : points) { QStringList split = ps.trimmed().split(" "); if (split.size() == 2) { QPointF pf(split[0].toDouble(), split[1].toDouble()); airspace->m_polygon.append(pf); } else { qDebug() << "Airspace::readXML - Unexpected polygon point format: " << ps; } } } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } airspace->calculatePosition(); //qDebug() << "Adding airspace: " << airspace->m_name << " " << airspace->m_category; airspaces.append(airspace); } } } file.close(); } else { // Don't warn, as many countries don't have files //qDebug() << "Airspace::readXML: Could not open " << filename << " for reading."; } return airspaces; } }; struct SDRBASE_API NavAid { int m_id; // Unique ID needed by VOR feature - Don't use value from database as that's 96-bit QString m_ident; // 2 or 3 character ident QString m_type; // NDB, VOR, VOR-DME or VORTAC QString m_name; float m_latitude; float m_longitude; float m_elevation; float m_frequencykHz; QString m_channel; int m_range; // Nautical miles float m_magneticDeclination; bool m_alignedTrueNorth; // Is the VOR aligned to true North, rather than magnetic (may be the case at high latitudes) int getRangeMetres() const { return Units::nauticalMilesToIntegerMetres((float)m_range); } // OpenAIP XML file static QList readXML(const QString &filename) { int uniqueId = 1; QList navAidInfo; QFile file(filename); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QXmlStreamReader xmlReader(&file); while(!xmlReader.atEnd() && !xmlReader.hasError()) { if (xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == "NAVAID") { QStringRef typeRef = xmlReader.attributes().value("TYPE"); if ((typeRef == QLatin1String("NDB")) || (typeRef == QLatin1String("DME")) || (typeRef == QLatin1String("VOR")) || (typeRef== QLatin1String("VOR-DME")) || (typeRef == QLatin1String("VORTAC"))) { QString type = typeRef.toString(); QString name; QString id; float lat = 0.0f; float lon = 0.0f; float elevation = 0.0f; float frequency = 0.0f; QString channel; int range = 25; float declination = 0.0f; bool alignedTrueNorth = false; while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("NAME")) { name = xmlReader.readElementText(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ID")) { id = xmlReader.readElementText(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("GEOLOCATION")) { while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("LAT")) { lat = xmlReader.readElementText().toFloat(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("LON")) { lon = xmlReader.readElementText().toFloat(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ELEV")) { elevation = xmlReader.readElementText().toFloat(); } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("RADIO")) { while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("FREQUENCY")) { if (type == "NDB") { frequency = xmlReader.readElementText().toFloat(); } else { frequency = xmlReader.readElementText().toFloat() * 1000.0; } } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("CHANNEL")) { channel = xmlReader.readElementText(); } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("PARAMS")) { while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()) { if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("RANGE")) { range = xmlReader.readElementText().toInt(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("DECLINATION")) { declination = xmlReader.readElementText().toFloat(); } else if (xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("ALIGNEDTOTRUENORTH")) { alignedTrueNorth = xmlReader.readElementText() == "TRUE"; } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } else { xmlReader.skipCurrentElement(); } } NavAid *navAid = new NavAid(); navAid->m_id = uniqueId++; navAid->m_ident = id; // Check idents conform to our filtering rules if (navAid->m_ident.size() < 2) { qDebug() << "NavAid::readXML: Ident less than 2 characters: " << navAid->m_ident; } else if (navAid->m_ident.size() > 3) { qDebug() << "NavAid::readXML: Ident greater than 3 characters: " << navAid->m_ident; } navAid->m_type = type; navAid->m_name = name; navAid->m_frequencykHz = frequency; navAid->m_channel = channel; navAid->m_latitude = lat; navAid->m_longitude = lon; navAid->m_elevation = elevation; navAid->m_range = range; navAid->m_magneticDeclination = declination; navAid->m_alignedTrueNorth = alignedTrueNorth; navAidInfo.append(navAid); } } } } file.close(); } else { // Don't warn, as many countries don't have files //qDebug() << "NavAid::readNavAidsXML: Could not open " << filename << " for reading."; } return navAidInfo; } }; class SDRBASE_API OpenAIP : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: OpenAIP(QObject* parent = nullptr); ~OpenAIP(); static const QStringList m_countryCodes; static QList readAirspaces(); static QList readAirspaces(const QString& countryCode); static QList readNavAids(); static QList readNavAids(const QString& countryCode); void downloadAirspaces(); void downloadNavAids(); private: HttpDownloadManager m_dlm; int m_countryIndex; static QString getDataDir(); static QString getAirspaceFilename(int i); static QString getAirspaceFilename(const QString& countryCode); static QString getAirspaceURL(int i); static QString getNavAidsFilename(int i); static QString getNavAidsFilename(const QString& countryCode); static QString getNavAidsURL(int i); void downloadAirspace(); void downloadNavAid(); public slots: void downloadFinished(const QString& filename, bool success); signals: void downloadingURL(const QString& url); void downloadError(const QString& error); void downloadAirspaceFinished(); void downloadNavAidsFinished(); }; #endif // INCLUDE_OPENAIP_H