/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2019 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include "util/stepfunctions.h" #include "util/db.h" #include "audio/audiooutputdevice.h" #include "dsp/dspengine.h" #include "dsp/dspcommands.h" #include "dsp/devicesamplemimo.h" #include "dsp/misc.h" #include "device/deviceapi.h" #include "nfmdemodreport.h" #include "nfmdemodsink.h" const double NFMDemodSink::afSqTones[] = {1000.0, 6000.0}; // {1200.0, 8000.0}; const double NFMDemodSink::afSqTones_lowrate[] = {1000.0, 3500.0}; const unsigned NFMDemodSink::FFT_FILTER_LENGTH = 1024; const unsigned NFMDemodSink::CTCSS_DETECTOR_RATE = 6000; NFMDemodSink::NFMDemodSink() : m_channelSampleRate(48000), m_channelFrequencyOffset(0), m_audioSampleRate(48000), m_audioBufferFill(0), m_audioFifo(48000), m_rfFilter(FFT_FILTER_LENGTH), m_ctcssIndex(0), m_sampleCount(0), m_squelchCount(0), m_squelchGate(4800), m_filterTaps((48000 / 48) | 1), m_squelchLevel(-990), m_squelchOpen(false), m_afSquelchOpen(false), m_magsq(0.0f), m_magsqSum(0.0f), m_magsqPeak(0.0f), m_magsqCount(0), m_afSquelch(), m_squelchDelayLine(24000), m_messageQueueToGUI(nullptr) { m_audioBuffer.resize(1<<16); applySettings(m_settings, true); applyChannelSettings(m_channelSampleRate, m_channelFrequencyOffset, true); } void NFMDemodSink::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end) { for (SampleVector::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { Complex c(it->real(), it->imag()); c *= m_nco.nextIQ(); Complex ci; fftfilt::cmplx *rf; int rf_out = m_rfFilter.runFilt(c, &rf); // filter RF before demod for (int i = 0 ; i < rf_out; i++) { if (m_interpolatorDistance == 1.0f) { processOneSample(rf[i]); } else if (m_interpolatorDistance < 1.0f) // interpolate { while (!m_interpolator.interpolate(&m_interpolatorDistanceRemain, rf[i], &ci)) { processOneSample(ci); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain += m_interpolatorDistance; } } else // decimate { if (m_interpolator.decimate(&m_interpolatorDistanceRemain, rf[i], &ci)) { processOneSample(ci); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain += m_interpolatorDistance; } } } } if (m_audioBufferFill > 0) { uint res = m_audioFifo.write((const quint8*)&m_audioBuffer[0], m_audioBufferFill); if (res != m_audioBufferFill) { qDebug("NFMDemodSink::feed: %u/%u tail samples written", res, m_audioBufferFill); } m_audioBufferFill = 0; } } void NFMDemodSink::processOneSample(Complex &ci) { qint16 sample = 0; double magsqRaw; // = ci.real()*ci.real() + c.imag()*c.imag(); Real deviation; Real demod = m_phaseDiscri.phaseDiscriminatorDelta(ci, magsqRaw, deviation); Real magsq = magsqRaw / (SDR_RX_SCALED*SDR_RX_SCALED); m_movingAverage(magsq); m_magsqSum += magsq; m_magsqPeak = std::max(magsq, m_magsqPeak); m_magsqCount++; m_sampleCount++; bool squelchOpen = m_afSquelchOpen && m_settings.m_deltaSquelch; if (m_settings.m_deltaSquelch) { if (m_afSquelch.analyze(demod)) { m_afSquelchOpen = squelchOpen = m_afSquelch.evaluate(); if (!squelchOpen) { m_squelchDelayLine.zeroBack(m_audioSampleRate/10); // zero out evaluation period } } } else { squelchOpen = m_movingAverage >= m_squelchLevel; } if (squelchOpen) { m_squelchDelayLine.write(demod); if (m_squelchCount < 2*m_squelchGate) { m_squelchCount++; } } else { m_squelchDelayLine.write(0); if (m_squelchCount > 0) { m_squelchCount--; } } m_squelchOpen = m_squelchCount > m_squelchGate; int ctcssIndex = m_squelchOpen && m_settings.m_ctcssOn ? m_ctcssIndex : 0; if (m_squelchOpen) { if (m_settings.m_ctcssOn) { int factor = (m_audioSampleRate / CTCSS_DETECTOR_RATE) - 1; // decimate -> 6k if ((m_sampleCount & factor) == factor) { Real ctcssSample = m_ctcssLowpass.filter(demod); if (m_ctcssDetector.analyze(&ctcssSample)) { int maxToneIndex; ctcssIndex = m_ctcssDetector.getDetectedTone(maxToneIndex) ? maxToneIndex + 1 : 0; } } } if (!m_settings.m_audioMute && (!m_settings.m_ctcssOn || m_ctcssIndexSelected == ctcssIndex || m_ctcssIndexSelected == 0)) { Real audioSample = m_squelchDelayLine.readBack(m_squelchGate); audioSample = m_settings.m_highPass ? m_bandpass.filter(audioSample) : m_lowpass.filter(audioSample); audioSample *= m_settings.m_volume * std::numeric_limits::max(); sample = clamp(std::rint(audioSample), std::numeric_limits::lowest(), std::numeric_limits::max()); } } if (ctcssIndex != m_ctcssIndex) { auto *guiQueue = getMessageQueueToGUI(); if (guiQueue) { guiQueue->push(NFMDemodReport::MsgReportCTCSSFreq::create( ctcssIndex ? m_ctcssDetector.getToneSet()[ctcssIndex - 1] : 0)); } m_ctcssIndex = ctcssIndex; } m_audioBuffer[m_audioBufferFill].l = sample; m_audioBuffer[m_audioBufferFill].r = sample; ++m_audioBufferFill; if (m_audioBufferFill >= m_audioBuffer.size()) { uint res = m_audioFifo.write((const quint8*)&m_audioBuffer[0], m_audioBufferFill); if (res != m_audioBufferFill) { qDebug("NFMDemodSink::feed: %u/%u audio samples written", res, m_audioBufferFill); qDebug("NFMDemodSink::feed: m_audioSampleRate: %u m_channelSampleRate: %d", m_audioSampleRate, m_channelSampleRate); } m_audioBufferFill = 0; } } void NFMDemodSink::applyChannelSettings(int channelSampleRate, int channelFrequencyOffset, bool force) { qDebug() << "NFMDemodSink::applyChannelSettings:" << " channelSampleRate: " << channelSampleRate << " channelFrequencyOffset: " << channelFrequencyOffset; if ((channelFrequencyOffset != m_channelFrequencyOffset) || (channelSampleRate != m_channelSampleRate) || force) { m_nco.setFreq(-channelFrequencyOffset, channelSampleRate); } if ((channelSampleRate != m_channelSampleRate) || force) { m_interpolator.create(16, channelSampleRate, m_settings.m_rfBandwidth / 2.2); m_interpolatorDistance = Real(channelSampleRate) / Real(m_audioSampleRate); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = m_interpolatorDistance; Real lowCut = -Real(m_settings.m_fmDeviation) / channelSampleRate; Real hiCut = Real(m_settings.m_fmDeviation) / channelSampleRate; m_rfFilter.create_filter(lowCut, hiCut); } m_channelSampleRate = channelSampleRate; m_channelFrequencyOffset = channelFrequencyOffset; } void NFMDemodSink::applySettings(const NFMDemodSettings& settings, bool force) { qDebug() << "NFMDemodSink::applySettings:" << " m_inputFrequencyOffset: " << settings.m_inputFrequencyOffset << " m_rfBandwidth: " << settings.m_rfBandwidth << " m_afBandwidth: " << settings.m_afBandwidth << " m_fmDeviation: " << settings.m_fmDeviation << " m_volume: " << settings.m_volume << " m_squelchGate: " << settings.m_squelchGate << " m_deltaSquelch: " << settings.m_deltaSquelch << " m_squelch: " << settings.m_squelch << " m_ctcssIndex: " << settings.m_ctcssIndex << " m_ctcssOn: " << settings.m_ctcssOn << " m_highPass: " << settings.m_highPass << " m_audioMute: " << settings.m_audioMute << " m_audioDeviceName: " << settings.m_audioDeviceName << " force: " << force; if ((settings.m_rfBandwidth != m_settings.m_rfBandwidth) || force) { m_interpolator.create(16, m_channelSampleRate, settings.m_rfBandwidth / 2.2); m_interpolatorDistance = Real(m_channelSampleRate) / Real(m_audioSampleRate); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = m_interpolatorDistance; } if ((settings.m_fmDeviation != m_settings.m_fmDeviation) || force) { Real lowCut = -Real(settings.m_fmDeviation) / m_channelSampleRate; Real hiCut = Real(settings.m_fmDeviation) / m_channelSampleRate; m_rfFilter.create_filter(lowCut, hiCut); m_phaseDiscri.setFMScaling(Real(m_audioSampleRate) / (2.0f * settings.m_fmDeviation)); } if ((settings.m_afBandwidth != m_settings.m_afBandwidth) || force) { m_bandpass.create(m_filterTaps, m_audioSampleRate, 300.0, settings.m_afBandwidth); m_lowpass.create(m_filterTaps, m_audioSampleRate, settings.m_afBandwidth); } if ((settings.m_squelchGate != m_settings.m_squelchGate) || force) { m_squelchGate = (m_audioSampleRate / 100) * settings.m_squelchGate; // gate is given in 10s of ms at 48000 Hz audio sample rate m_squelchCount = 0; // reset squelch open counter } if ((settings.m_squelch != m_settings.m_squelch) || (settings.m_deltaSquelch != m_settings.m_deltaSquelch) || force) { if (settings.m_deltaSquelch) { // input is a value in negative centis m_squelchLevel = (- settings.m_squelch) / 100.0; m_afSquelch.setThreshold(m_squelchLevel); m_afSquelch.reset(); } else { // input is a value in deci-Bels m_squelchLevel = std::pow(10.0, settings.m_squelch / 10.0); m_movingAverage.reset(); } m_squelchCount = 0; // reset squelch open counter } if ((settings.m_ctcssIndex != m_settings.m_ctcssIndex) || force) { setSelectedCtcssIndex(settings.m_ctcssIndex); } m_settings = settings; } void NFMDemodSink::applyAudioSampleRate(unsigned int sampleRate) { qDebug("NFMDemodSink::applyAudioSampleRate: %u m_channelSampleRate: %d", sampleRate, m_channelSampleRate); m_filterTaps = (sampleRate / 48) | 1; m_ctcssLowpass.create((CTCSS_DETECTOR_RATE / 48) | 1, CTCSS_DETECTOR_RATE, 250.0); m_bandpass.create(m_filterTaps, sampleRate, 300.0, m_settings.m_afBandwidth); m_lowpass.create(m_filterTaps, sampleRate, m_settings.m_afBandwidth); m_squelchGate = (sampleRate / 100) * m_settings.m_squelchGate; // gate is given in 10s of ms at 48000 Hz audio sample rate m_squelchCount = 0; // reset squelch open counter m_ctcssDetector.setCoefficients(sampleRate/16, CTCSS_DETECTOR_RATE); // 0.5s / 2 Hz resolution if (sampleRate < 16000) { m_afSquelch.setCoefficients(sampleRate/2000, 600, sampleRate, 200, 0, afSqTones_lowrate); // 0.5ms test period, 300ms average span, audio SR, 100ms attack, no decay } else { m_afSquelch.setCoefficients(sampleRate/2000, 600, sampleRate, 200, 0, afSqTones); // 0.5ms test period, 300ms average span, audio SR, 100ms attack, no decay } m_afSquelch.setThreshold(m_squelchLevel); m_phaseDiscri.setFMScaling(Real(sampleRate) / (2.0f * m_settings.m_fmDeviation)); m_audioFifo.setSize(sampleRate); m_squelchDelayLine.resize(sampleRate/2); m_interpolatorDistance = Real(m_channelSampleRate) / Real(sampleRate); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = m_interpolatorDistance; m_audioSampleRate = sampleRate; }