StarTrackerGUI 0 0 337 568 0 0 320 100 16777215 16777215 Liberation Sans 9 Star Tracker 10 10 301 201 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 Latitude in decimal degrees (North positive) of observation point / antenna location 6 -90.000000000000000 90.000000000000000 -90.000000000000000 Right Ascension of the target object. This can be specified as a decimal (E.g. 12.23) or in hours, minutes and seconds (E.g. 12h05m10.2s or 12 05 10.2) 23h59m59.59s Computed azimuth in degrees to the target from the observation point 360 true Time Declination of the target object This can be specified as a decimal (E.g. 34.23) or in degrees, minutes and seconds (E.g. 34d12m10.2s, 34d12'10.2" 34 12 10.2) -90d59'59.59" Target Date and time to use when calculating target's position dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss true Latitude Now Custom Elevation RA start/stop acquisition :/play.png :/stop.png:/play.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Find target on the map :/gridpolar.png:/gridpolar.png Set latitude, longitude and height from My Position in SDRangel preferences :/import.png:/import.png Show settings dialog :/listing.png:/listing.png 110 0 0 Sun Moon PSR B0329+54 PSR B0833-45 Sagittarius A Cassiopeia A Cygnus A Taurus A (M1) Virgo A (M87) Custom Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Longitude in decimal degress (East positive) of observation point / antenna location 6 -180.000000000000000 180.000000000000000 -180.000000000000000 Dec Longitude Azimuth Computed elevation in degrees to the target from the observation point 90 true LST Local sidereal time for selected date, time and longitude true 10 220 318 268 0 0 200 200 Elevation vs Time 2 3 3 3 3 300 250 RollupWidget QWidget
ButtonSwitch QToolButton
QChartView QGraphicsView
startStop useMyPosition displaySettings latitude longitude target rightAscension declination azimuth elevation