Compromise on 8 bit decimator pre process shift constants so that it pads to 15 bits instead of 16. Prevents saturation in all cases.

f4exb 2018-01-14 05:12:24 +01:00
rodzic e3575d5f5f
commit 45e04f06ae
1 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 7 usunięć

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@ -83,18 +83,18 @@ struct decimation_shifts<16, 12>
struct decimation_shifts<16, 8>
static const uint pre1 = 8;
static const uint pre2 = 7;
static const uint pre1 = 7;
static const uint pre2 = 6;
static const uint post2 = 0;
static const uint pre4 = 6;
static const uint pre4 = 5;
static const uint post4 = 0;
static const uint pre8 = 5;
static const uint pre8 = 4;
static const uint post8 = 0;
static const uint pre16 = 4;
static const uint pre16 = 3;
static const uint post16 = 0;
static const uint pre32 = 3;
static const uint pre32 = 2;
static const uint post32 = 0;
static const uint pre64 = 2;
static const uint pre64 = 1;
static const uint post64 = 0;