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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Problems with Prisa 620S [snapscan] + BUG in xs</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Ben Stanley (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Problems with Prisa 620S [snapscan] + BUG in xsane 0.76">
<H1>Re: Problems with Prisa 620S [snapscan] + BUG in xsane 0.76</H1>
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<!-- subject="Re: Problems with Prisa 620S [snapscan] + BUG in xsane 0.76" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Ben Stanley (<A HREF="[snapscan]%20%2B%20BUG%20in%20xsane%200.76&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue May 22 2001 - 15:56:52 PDT
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Oliver Rauch wrote:
<P><EM>&gt;Ben Stanley wrote:
<EM>&gt;&gt;SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 ./saned -d255
<EM>&gt;&gt;and redirecting the output. I checked the size inquiry before the scan
<EM>&gt;&gt;data was read, and from the get_parameters call which occurs just after
<EM>&gt;&gt;the scan started. It seems that these two are not returning the same
<EM>&gt;&gt;number of lines. should they be? I can post log output if you want.
<EM>&gt;Hi Ben,
<EM>&gt;I took a short look at the snapscan source. There are two things:
<EM>&gt;1) I can find out from which time the scanning related values
<EM>&gt;are set (not the guessed ones)
<EM>&gt;2) it is possible (looks a bit like that) the the backend does
<EM>&gt;not respond the complete lines in param.lines but the
<EM>&gt;remainig lines until the end of the scan. That would be a big bug.
<EM>&gt;Can you find out about that, e.g. by adding a call to
<EM>&gt;sane_get_parameters in xsane after sane_read ?!
Here you go:
<P>[xsane] preview_scan_start
[xsane] xsane_clear_histogram
[xsane] xsane_clear_histogram
[xsane] xsane_set_sensitivity
[xsane] preview_expose_event_handler_start
[xsane] preview_draw_selection
[xsane] preview_expose_event_handler_end
[xsane] preview_draw_selection
[xsane] preview_draw_rect [0.75 0.75 211.23 122.96]
[xsane] preview_transform_coordinates_device_to_window
[xsane] preview_get_scale_device_to_window: scale = 1.300926, 1.300926
[xsane] preview[0.75 0.75 211.23 122.96] -&gt; window[0.98 0.98 274.79 159.97]
[xsane] preview_get_memory
[xsane] preview_read_image_data
[xsane] scan lines after sane_read: 843.[xsane] scan width after
sane_read: 637.[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] scan lines after sane_read: 838.[xsane] scan width after
sane_read: 637.[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] scan lines after sane_read: 834.[xsane] scan width after
sane_read: 637.[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] scan lines after sane_read: 830.[xsane] scan width after
sane_read: 637.[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
[xsane] preview_increment_image_y
<P>Looks like your theory is confirmed. Not sure I know what to do about it
yet... I mean, I know the backend has to be fixed, but I'm not in a
position to be able to do it yet :-).
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