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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Recommend a USB scanner with Transparency Scann</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Geoff Ghose (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Recommend a USB scanner with Transparency Scanning">
<H1>Re: Recommend a USB scanner with Transparency Scanning</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Geoff Ghose (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri May 18 2001 - 09:38:00 PDT
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The Doctor What wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; Hi!
<EM>&gt; I was hoping someone could recommend a good scanner for me.
<EM>&gt; Background:
<EM>&gt; I have a UMAX Astra 610 or 620 scsi. It's okay, but getting this
<EM>&gt; thing to work with my Adaptech 2940UW is next to impossible (I've
<EM>&gt; done it before, but it's always a pain). That is, I can't even get
<EM>&gt; my system to boot reliably, forget loading linux. In the past, it
<EM>&gt; locked up my system often under Linux, less ofter under Win9x.
<EM>&gt; So I thought I'd get a USB scanner, since USB seems to be working
<EM>&gt; well under Linux.
<EM>&gt; I'm looking for one that I can do transparency scanning with, as I
<EM>&gt; am rather sick of having my carefully adjusted photos (I tend to
<EM>&gt; take 3 or 5 of them, each with different f-stops, etc) all color
<EM>&gt; corrected into mediocraty.
<EM>&gt; I'm not looking to print photos with my scans (yet), so I don't
<EM>&gt; really need 2400dpi scanning, but more is better.
<EM>&gt; I have $200 I can spend on the scanner, but I may (or may not) go
<EM>&gt; higher.
<EM>&gt; I was looking at the Epson Perfection 1240U photo and 1640SU photo
<EM>&gt; based on the Epson sane driver page page.
<P><P>I have a 1240U photo, but your not going to find it for $200. I think mine was about $300
with the transparency adapter. I think it's a very good scanner for its price.
<P>It works very with Linux, after I made a timeout patch described on the sane driver page.
Definitely plug and play.
<P>I often scan 35 mm negative film, and I think the results are good but not outstanding. I
use a resolution of 1800 dpi, but anything above 1200 is accomplished with interpolation
and therefore might want to be avoided. At these settings you have &quot;mega-pixel&quot; resolution.
The shortcoming is the optical density, although it's not bad (3.0 I think), a larger
dynamic range would really help. For scanning slides, it is even more critical. (I've only
scanned negatives).
<P>I believe the 1640U has a higher optical density but I don't have direct experience with it.
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