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<TITLE>sane-devel: Umax Astra 610S fails &gt;150dpi lineart</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Hans Eriksson (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Umax Astra 610S fails &gt;150dpi lineart">
<H1>Umax Astra 610S fails &gt;150dpi lineart</H1>
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<!-- subject="Umax Astra 610S fails &gt;150dpi lineart" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Hans Eriksson (<A HREF=";150dpi%20lineart&In-Reply-To=&lt;Pine.LNX.4.21.0010281034580.8566-100000@localhost.localdomain&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Oct 28 2000 - 01:37:26 PDT
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Hello everyone!
<P>I've just compiled and installed Sane 1.0.3 and Sane Umax 1.0.3 build 24
on a machine running Linux with kernel 2.4.0 (RedHat 7.0).
<P>Scanning with my Umax 610S works fine in both colour and grayscale at
resolutions up to 300 dpi, but _not_ in lineart mode at resolutions
greater than about 150 dpi. When I try to scan an image in lineart mode at
this resolution<6F>(&gt;150 dpi) the scanner first stops half-way and then
return to its initial position.
<P>Does anyone know of a solution to this odd behaviour?
<P>The scanner is attached to a Tekram DC390 card (the one with the AMD
chip) which uses version V2.0e4 of the tmscsim kernel module.
<P>Here's some debug output while scanning a lineart image:
<P>[umax] umax_reader_process: buffer of 466824 bytes read; 649038 bytes to
[umax] umax_queue_read_image_data_req for buffer[0]
[umax] umax_queue_read_image_data_req: id for buffer[0] is 0x804ec10
[umax] umax_reader_process: read image data queued for buffer[0]
[umax] umax_wait_queued_image_data for buffer[1] (id=0x8053fb0)
[umax] sane_read: read 4096 bytes
[umax] umax_wait_queued_image_data: wait returned status Device busy
[umax] ERROR: umax_reader_process: unable to get image data from scanner!
[umax] reader_process: freeing SCSI buffer[1]
[umax] sane_read: read 3976 bytes
[umax] sane_read: read 0 bytes
[umax] do_cancel
[umax] killing reader_process
[umax] reader_process: terminated by signal 15
[umax] reader_process killed
[umax] trying to reposition scanner ...
[umax] umax_reposition_scanner: command returned status Device busy
[umax] trying to release scanner ...
[umax] umax_give_scanner: command returned status Device busy
[umax] closing scannerdevice filedescriptor
[umax] closing pipe
[umax] sane_cancel
[umax] sane_close
[umax] sane_exit
<P>Hans Eriksson
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