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<!-- received="Mon Sep 27 00:37:09 1999 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="27 Sep 1999 09:35:17 +0200" -->
<!-- name="Camille DIOU" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: ppSCSI and Microtek Phantom 330 CX" -->
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<!-- inreplyto="Sun, 26 Sep 1999 00:40:34 +0200"" -->
<title>sane-devel: Re: ppSCSI and Microtek Phantom 330 CX</title>
<h1>Re: ppSCSI and Microtek Phantom 330 CX</h1>
<b>Camille DIOU</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>27 Sep 1999 09:35:17 +0200</i>
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<i> &gt; It is possible that it doesn't work. According to Michele Bini the</i><br>
<i> &gt; Phantom 330cx doesn't understand one of the SCSI commands. This command</i><br>
<i> &gt; is not executed for the Phantom 330cx during a normal scan. But it is</i><br>
<i> &gt; still used in the calibration process. If you experience problems</i><br>
<i> &gt; you must remove the call to scsi_wait_for_image() in the do-calibration()</i><br>
<i> &gt; function.</i><br>
MB&gt; I have tried this, but the scan does not start (scanner led<br>
MB&gt; blinks) and the module gives errors and may eventually OOPS<br>
MB&gt; (i'm not using the latest ppscsi version).<br>
MB&gt; This seems to happen regardless if i enable or disable<br>
MB&gt; scsi_wait_for_image() in that function.<br>
Same as Michele. I didn't remove the call yet, but it doesn't work.<br>
( I've tested microtek2-pre0.8 backend with ppSCSI 0.91 module.)<br>
I'll test it without the scsi_wait_for_image() call as soon as<br>
possible. <br>
Camille Diou
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