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<!-- received="Mon Dec 7 23:58:19 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:55:58 +0100 (CET)" -->
<!-- name="Hugo van der Kooij" -->
<!-- email="hvdkooij@caiw.nl" -->
<!-- subject="Re: Solaris v2.6 support?" -->
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<!-- inreplyto="199812072019.PAA13437@brittania.turner.com" -->
<title>sane-devel: Re: Solaris v2.6 support?</title>
<h1>Re: Solaris v2.6 support?</h1>
<b>Hugo van der Kooij</b> (<a href="mailto:hvdkooij@caiw.nl"><i>hvdkooij@caiw.nl</i></a>)<br>
<i>Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:55:58 +0100 (CET)</i>
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<li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0074.html">Chris Riggins: "Re: Solaris v2.6 support?"</a>
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On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Chris Riggins wrote:<br>
<i>> </i><br>
<i>> > > Like I said, I used to have Hugo's problem, "find-scanner" detected the</i><br>
<i>> > > 4c, but scanimage couldn't see it. It turned out to be a problem with the</i><br>
<i>> > > conf files in /usr/local/etc/sane.d. Now, when I run "scanimage" it gives me</i><br>
<i>> > > a core dump.</i><br>
<i>> > </i><br>
<i>> > I suppose you wouldn't mind sharing with us the changes you have made?</i><br>
<i>> > </i><br>
<i>> > Hugo.</i><br>
<i>> </i><br>
<i>> I'd love to if I could. It's been a week, now, since I fixed the first</i><br>
<i>> problem. My /usr/local/etc/sane.d/hp.conf file has but a single line in it:</i><br>
<i>> "/dev/scg0c". My $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is</i><br>
<i>> /usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/sane: \</i><br>
<i>> /usr/openwin/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/usr/local/lib/X11:/usr/lib</i><br>
<i>> What made the difference for me was deleting all of the *.conf files in the</i><br>
<i>> /usr/local/etc/sane.d directory and letting Sane re-create them. Then I</i><br>
<i>> edited the hp.conf file. After that, I quit having the earlier problem and</i><br>
<i>> began having the core dump.</i><br>
Well I changed the hp.conf file and now it seems to crash here as well.<br>
<i> | Hugo van der Kooij | <a href="mailto:Hugo.van.der.Kooij@caiw.nl">Hugo.van.der.Kooij@caiw.nl</a> |</i><br>
<i> | Oranje Nassaustraat 16 | <a href="http://www.caiw.nl/~hvdkooij">http://www.caiw.nl/~hvdkooij</a> |</i><br>
<i> | 3155 VJ Maasland | (De man met de rode hoed) |</i><br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0099.html">David Fox: "Re: Scanner Driver for HP3C?"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0097.html">Wolfgang Cohrs: "Re: I am trying to install SANE and"</a>
<li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0074.html">Chris Riggins: "Re: Solaris v2.6 support?"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0148.html">Michael Sweet: "Re: Solaris v2.6 support?"</a>
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