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<!-- received="Tue Nov 10 21:24:15 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Wed, 11 Nov 1998 00:23:24 -0600 (CST)" -->
<!-- name="Henry Miller" -->
<!-- email="hank@black-hole.com" -->
<!-- subject="Leo Scan S3 traces avaiable." -->
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<title>sane-devel: Leo Scan S3 traces avaiable.</title>
<h1>Leo Scan S3 traces avaiable.</h1>
<b>Henry Miller</b> (<a href="mailto:hank@black-hole.com"><i>hank@black-hole.com</i></a>)<br>
<i>Wed, 11 Nov 1998 00:23:24 -0600 (CST)</i>
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I borrowed a scsi scanner from work, and traced all the commands going<br>
back and forth betwen my mac and my leoscan S3. <br>
I hope to eventially try to make sense of them, but in the mean time if<br>
someone want to use my work to get started (I won't have coding time for<br>
a while) writting a saner drive that would be great.<br>
The data requires you do understand low level scsi, but it is all the<br>
commands. To start, see:<br>
<a href="http://www.black-hole.com/users/henrymiller/leo/notes.txt">http://www.black-hole.com/users/henrymiller/leo/notes.txt</a> <br>
(the above is NOT an html document) and the files it mentions are in the<br>
same directory. If you can't figgure that out, you won't be able to make<br>
sense of this anyway so don't ask me. If you can figgure it out, and want<br>
some more traces perhaps I can borrow the analyser again some night.<br>
Good luck. If nothing else I'll get to writting a driver eventially, but<br>
don't ask when it could be a while.<br>
<a href="http://blugill.home.ml.org/">http://blugill.home.ml.org/</a>
<a href="mailto:hank@black-hole.com">hank@black-hole.com</a>
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