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<TITLE>sane-devel: xsane: Scan buffer overflow possible</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Marian Eichholz (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="xsane: Scan buffer overflow possible">
<H1>xsane: Scan buffer overflow possible</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Marian Eichholz (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon May 28 2001 - 08:39:59 PDT
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Oliver Rauch wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; I didn't want to ask, but the first scan logs looked like the backend
<EM>&gt; &gt; still requests full blocks whatever would happen.
<EM>&gt; ???
<EM>&gt; The what has this to do with xsane?
<P>You remember the discussion we had some weeks ago woth the EOF
<P>If not, or it got lost: No worries, I'll cite the proof for Nick Lamb at
the end.
<P>Summary: We found, that xsane requests data transfers, even if the
remaining buffer will be overflowed.
Particularly, it does not recalculate the &quot;number of bytes&quot; parameter
(of sane_read()) for the last transfer(s).
<P>Thus, the backend must be implemented *very* carefully, if it does not
want to inadvertantly smash XSane's heap, because it cannot know, that
there is no remaining buffer without help of a limiting &quot;number of
bytes&quot; parameter.
<P>Obviously, xsane 0.77 still behaves the same way, and it is great, that
You announced to fix this issue.
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; I don't know, if it matters, but when xsane-0.77 prompts for &quot;overwrite
<EM>&gt; &gt; existing file&quot; the left button has no label/text.
<EM>&gt; In wich language? I tested with german and english and everything is ok for me.
<P>I have a german locale (de_DE).
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; [To be honest, I updated glibc and xfree and have/had some problems with
<EM>&gt; &gt; the locales]
<EM>&gt; This could be a reason. May be because the &quot;<EFBFBD>&quot; in &quot;<EFBFBD>berschreiben&quot;.
<P>Hmmm... Freeamp has issues in it's GTK interface with umlauts. Well,
I'll check it, but it's not important.
<P>Marian Eichholz
<P>- old mail follows here -----------------------------------------------
[Subject:EOF buffer overflow with Xsane 0.76]
<P>Hi friends,
<P>since Nick asked me for an example: Here I have the proof for the buffer
overflow with Xsane 0.76.
<P>I scanned a tiny area in 100 DPI and RGB. Here is the trace:
<P>[sm3600] mode=0, res=100, BC=[0,0], xywh=[2097,325,945,1181]
[sm3600] getting parameters (234,99)...
[sm3600] reading chunk 65536...
[sm3600] ... line 98 (22932/5)...
[sm3600] reading chunk 65536...
[sm3600] cancel called...
[sm3600] mode=0, res=100, BC=[0,0], xywh=[2097,325,945,1181]
[sm3600] getting parameters (234,99)...
<P>The &quot;65536&quot; is the buffer size / transfer length, taht is given by the
front end to sane_read().
<P>You can see, that there are only 22932 byte needed for the scan. If I
wrote more than this amount, Xsane would badly, badly crash (or at
least, behave *very* strange).
<P>Nevertheless, it requests 128KB of data at all, and the backend has no
chance to see, that there is not that much room in the buffers.
<P>In my opinion, the frontend should request only 22932 bytes, because
this is the size in the buffer, and the next (EOF) cycle should really
request only 0 (zero) byte, because the buffer pointer points in fact to
the first byte *behind* the buffer area.
<P>IMHO this is a real bug. No worries, the backend copes with that :-)
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