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<TITLE>sane-devel: Needing help to use Sane over Network Client</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Marek Walther (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Needing help to use Sane over Network Client">
<H1>Needing help to use Sane over Network Client</H1>
<!-- received="Sun Dec 31 08:27:40 2000" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Marek Walther (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Dec 31 2000 - 10:42:40 PST
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<P>I have a problem to use my Epson P1200U over a network client, the
scanner works on the host there is connect good. On the client
&quot;scanimage -L&quot; can not found the Scanner.
<P>I<EFBFBD>m using on the Host(Server) xinetd, by access from the client xinetd
started saned (Information from /var/log/messages).
<P>sane version, compilet and install on a SuSe 7.0 System. The
Suse sane.rpm is not install.
<P>Messages by start xinetd (/var/log/messages)
--&gt; start.
Dec 27 01:23:23 chaosland xinetd[608]: added sane
Dec 27 01:23:23 chaosland xinetd[608]: checking sane
--&gt; stop
<P>Messages by access form a client (/var/log/messages)
--&gt; start
ec 31 17:12:51 chaosland saned[18820]: access by root@(null) rejected
Dec 31 17:12:51 chaosland saned[18820]: exiting
Dec 31 17:12:52 chaosland saned[18822]: access by root@(null) rejected
Dec 31 17:12:52 chaosland saned[18822]: exiting
Dec 31 17:12:56 chaosland saned[18823]: access by cptchaos@(null)
Dec 31 17:12:56 chaosland saned[18823]: exiting
Dec 31 17:12:57 chaosland saned[18824]: access by cptchaos@(null)
Dec 31 17:12:57 chaosland saned[18824]: exiting
--&gt; stop
<P>Configuration Sane on host(Server) /usr/local/sane.d/dll.conf
--&gt; start
# enable the next line if you want to allow access through the network:
net # use to test over localhost
<P>--&gt; stop
<P>Configuration Sane on host(Server) /usr/local/sane.d/saned.conf
--&gt; start
alias netepson net:localhost:epson:/dev/usbscanner
alias epson2 epson:/dev/usbscanner
alias zweiter epson:/dev/usbscanner
--&gt; stop
<P>Configuration on the client side :
<P>dll.conf -&gt; backend net activates
net.conf -&gt; list of server ip adresses
<P>can some people help me, i<>m to be a blockhead.
<P><P>have a happy new year ,
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Marek Walther
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