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<TITLE>sane-devel: RE: Umax 600s/Adaptec 2906 trouble</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Andy Angrick (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="RE: Umax 600s/Adaptec 2906 trouble">
<H1>RE: Umax 600s/Adaptec 2906 trouble</H1>
<!-- received="Tue Dec 26 19:44:10 2000" -->
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<!-- name="Andy Angrick" -->
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<!-- subject="RE: Umax 600s/Adaptec 2906 trouble" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Andy Angrick (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Dec 26 2000 - 19:44:10 PST
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0273.html">Mark Stewart: "Umax 600s/Adaptec 2906 trouble"</A>
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I had that exact same problem with a Fujitzu 15c. Both an adaptec 2940 and a
cheapo adaptec card like the one you've got do the same thing. If i tried to
scan anything other than lineart, it would freeze like you describe.
<P>I tried a cheapo advansys scsi card and it worked fine. I've tried 2
different 15c's and they do the same thing. The only common factor i've been
able to narrow it down to is the aic7xxx driver (i also have Mandrake 7.1 ..
i wonder if there is a problem there???). There is an update for the aic7xxx
driver, but i haven't had a chance to try it yet. I'm not in as much of a
hurry now that i can get it to work fine with the advansys scsi card.
<P><EM>&gt; -----Original Message-----
<EM>&gt; From: <A HREF=";;"></A>
<EM>&gt; [mailto:<A HREF=";;"></A>]On Behalf Of Mark Stewart
<EM>&gt; Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2000 4:39 PM
<EM>&gt; To: <A HREF=";;"></A>
<EM>&gt; Subject: Umax 600s/Adaptec 2906 trouble
<EM>&gt; Hi all,
<EM>&gt; I'm working on getting my Umax Atra600s working with my Linux box using a
<EM>&gt; cheap Adaptec 2906 SCSI PCI card. I tried the version of SANE that was
<EM>&gt; installed along with my distro Mandrake 7.1 ( version 1.0.2) as well as
<EM>&gt; building the 1.0.3 release from source. In both cases I was able
<EM>&gt; to make the
<EM>&gt; scanner start to scan--the mechanism moved--but immediately thereafter it
<EM>&gt; halted and the scanimage program would hang. The scanner light flashed
<EM>&gt; rapidly, only stopping when I restarted it.
<EM>&gt; The Adaptec card is listed (sort of) on Mandrake's supported hardware page
<EM>&gt; (it claims to support Adaptec AHA-29xx PCI which I've assumed, perhaps
<EM>&gt; wrongly, is a match for my Adaptec 2906). Kudzu also seemed to
<EM>&gt; recognize the
<EM>&gt; card when I first installed it although it thinks it's a
<EM>&gt; &quot;Adaptec|AHA-7850&quot;.
<EM>&gt; Its message in /var/log/message was &quot;kudzu: aliased scsi-hostadapter1 as
<EM>&gt; aic7xxx&quot;. Harddrake agrees with this. I'm pretty sure I am
<EM>&gt; hitting the right
<EM>&gt; SCSI channel; /dev/scanner is symlinked from /dev/sga. /dev/sg0 is also
<EM>&gt; linked to /dev/scanner. Finally, I'm using a good, short SCSI cable
<EM>&gt; connected directly to the scanner with nothing else on the chain.
<EM>&gt; Anyone have any ideas as to what could be wrong? I've pasted in
<EM>&gt; an annotated
<EM>&gt; recount from the terminal of each step I've taken. I cranked up the debug
<EM>&gt; output before I started. Perhaps the output will enlighten some
<EM>&gt; of the gurus
<EM>&gt; here.
<EM>&gt; Loaded the SCSI driver via:
<EM>&gt; [root@localhost mark]# modprobe aic7xxx
<EM>&gt; [root@localhost mark]# lsmod
<EM>&gt; Module Size Used by
<EM>&gt; aic7xxx 133176 0 (unused)
<EM>&gt; sg 15968 0 (autoclean) (unused)
<EM>&gt; usb-uhci 26660 0 (unused)
<EM>&gt; autofs 9604 1 (autoclean)
<EM>&gt; irda 84289 1
<EM>&gt; ppp 21292 0 (autoclean) (unused)
<EM>&gt; slhc 4572 0 (autoclean) [ppp]
<EM>&gt; tulip 30624 1 (autoclean)
<EM>&gt; keybdev 1832 0 (unused)
<EM>&gt; usbkbd 2292 0 (unused)
<EM>&gt; input 2880 0 [keybdev usbkbd]
<EM>&gt; usb-storage 10120 0 (unused)
<EM>&gt; usbcore 27236 0 [usb-uhci usbkbd usb-storage]
<EM>&gt; supermount 15112 2 (autoclean)
<EM>&gt; [root@localhost mark]# find-scanner
<EM>&gt; find-scanner: found scanner &quot;UMAX Astra 600S V1.6&quot; at device /dev/scanner
<EM>&gt; find-scanner: found scanner &quot;UMAX Astra 600S V1.6&quot; at device /dev/sg0
<EM>&gt; find-scanner: found scanner &quot;UMAX Astra 600S V1.6&quot; at device /dev/sga
<EM>&gt; [mark@localhost mark]$ export SANE_DEBUG_UMAX=12
<EM>&gt; [mark@localhost mark]$ scanimage -d umax:/dev/scanner
<EM>&gt; [sanei_init_debug]: Setting debug level of umax to 12.
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_init
<EM>&gt; [umax] This is sane-umax version 1.0 build 18
<EM>&gt; [umax] (C) 1997-2000 by Oliver Rauch
<EM>&gt; [umax] EMAIL: <A HREF="mailto:Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE?Subject=RE:%20Umax%20600s/Adaptec%202906%20trouble&In-Reply-To=&lt;;">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</A>
<EM>&gt; [umax] attach_scanner: /dev/sga
<EM>&gt; [umax] attach_scanner: opening /dev/sga
<EM>&gt; [umax] attach_scanner: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned scsi
<EM>&gt; buffer size =
<EM>&gt; 16384
<EM>&gt; [umax] init
<EM>&gt; [umax] backend runs on little endian machine
<EM>&gt; [umax] variable scsi buffer size (usage of sanei_scsi_open_extended)
<EM>&gt; [umax] initialize_values
<EM>&gt; [umax] identify_scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_inquiry
<EM>&gt; [umax] Found UMAX scanner Astra 600S version V1.6 on device /dev/sga
<EM>&gt; [umax] setting up special options for Astra 600S
<EM>&gt; [umax] - correcting wrong inquiry data
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_new_inquiry
<EM>&gt; [umax] - activating inversion of shading data
<EM>&gt; [umax] get_inquiry_values
<EM>&gt; [umax] INQUIRY:
<EM>&gt; [umax] ========
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] vendor........................: 'UMAX '
<EM>&gt; [umax] product.......................: 'Astra 600S '
<EM>&gt; [umax] version.......................: 'V1.6'
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] CBHS value range..............: 0-255
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanmode......................: flatbed (FB)
<EM>&gt; [umax] inquiry block length..........: 158 bytes
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] ISO Version (reserved).......: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] ECMA Version (reserved).......: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] ANSI Version .................: 2
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x05 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x06 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] f/w support function:
<EM>&gt; [umax] ---------------------
<EM>&gt; [umax] - quality calibration
<EM>&gt; [umax] - fast preview function
<EM>&gt; [umax] - calibration mode control by driver
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x36 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x37 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] scan modes:
<EM>&gt; [umax] -----------
<EM>&gt; [umax] - single pass color mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - lineart mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - gray mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - color mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - transparency (UTA)
<EM>&gt; [umax] - automatic document feeder (ADF)
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner capability:
<EM>&gt; [umax] -------------------
<EM>&gt; [umax] - bi-level image reverse
<EM>&gt; [umax] - support highlight function
<EM>&gt; [umax] - paper length can reach to 14 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] - shading data/gain uploadable
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma download available
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma download type 2
<EM>&gt; [umax] lines of gamma curve: one line (gray), three lines (color) download
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma input 8 bits/pixel support
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma output 8 bits/pixel support
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x65 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x67 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x6b = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x6c = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] color sequence............................: all supported
<EM>&gt; [umax] color ordering support....................: line with CCD distance
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum video memory......................: 228 KB
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x72 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] optical resolution........................: 300 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum x-resolution......................: 300 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum y-resolution......................: 600 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] FB (flatbed-mode):
<EM>&gt; [umax] FB maximum scan width.....................: 8.50 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] FB maximum scan length....................: 14.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA (transparency-mode):
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA x-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA y-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA maximum scan width....................: 8.50 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA maximum scan length...................: 11.70 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x82 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR (double optical resolution-mode):
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR optical resolution....................: 0 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum x-resolution..................: 0 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum y-resolution..................: 0 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR x-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR y-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum scan width....................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum scan length...................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x8e = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] last calibration lamp density.............: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x90 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] lamp warmup maximum time..................: 0 sec
<EM>&gt; [umax] window descriptor block length............: 82 bytes
<EM>&gt; [umax] no analog gamma function
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x98 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x99 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum calibration data lines for shading: 66
<EM>&gt; [umax] fb/uta: color line arrangement mode.......: 32
<EM>&gt; [umax] adf: color line arrangement mode.......: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] CCD line distance.........................: 8
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x9e = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] attach_scanner: /dev/scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] attach_scanner: opening /dev/scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] attach_scanner: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned scsi
<EM>&gt; buffer size =
<EM>&gt; 16384
<EM>&gt; [umax] init
<EM>&gt; [umax] backend runs on little endian machine
<EM>&gt; [umax] variable scsi buffer size (usage of sanei_scsi_open_extended)
<EM>&gt; [umax] initialize_values
<EM>&gt; [umax] identify_scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_inquiry
<EM>&gt; [umax] Found UMAX scanner Astra 600S version V1.6 on device /dev/scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] setting up special options for Astra 600S
<EM>&gt; [umax] - correcting wrong inquiry data
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_new_inquiry
<EM>&gt; [umax] - activating inversion of shading data
<EM>&gt; [umax] get_inquiry_values
<EM>&gt; [umax] INQUIRY:
<EM>&gt; [umax] ========
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] vendor........................: 'UMAX '
<EM>&gt; [umax] product.......................: 'Astra 600S '
<EM>&gt; [umax] version.......................: 'V1.6'
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] CBHS value range..............: 0-255
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanmode......................: flatbed (FB)
<EM>&gt; [umax] inquiry block length..........: 158 bytes
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] ISO Version (reserved).......: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] ECMA Version (reserved).......: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] ANSI Version .................: 2
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x05 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x06 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] f/w support function:
<EM>&gt; [umax] ---------------------
<EM>&gt; [umax] - quality calibration
<EM>&gt; [umax] - fast preview function
<EM>&gt; [umax] - calibration mode control by driver
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x36 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x37 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] scan modes:
<EM>&gt; [umax] -----------
<EM>&gt; [umax] - single pass color mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - lineart mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - gray mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - color mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] - transparency (UTA)
<EM>&gt; [umax] - automatic document feeder (ADF)
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner capability:
<EM>&gt; [umax] -------------------
<EM>&gt; [umax] - bi-level image reverse
<EM>&gt; [umax] - support highlight function
<EM>&gt; [umax] - paper length can reach to 14 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] - shading data/gain uploadable
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma download available
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma download type 2
<EM>&gt; [umax] lines of gamma curve: one line (gray), three lines (color) download
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma input 8 bits/pixel support
<EM>&gt; [umax] gamma output 8 bits/pixel support
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x65 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x67 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x6b = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x6c = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] color sequence............................: all supported
<EM>&gt; [umax] color ordering support....................: line with CCD distance
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum video memory......................: 228 KB
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x72 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] optical resolution........................: 300 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum x-resolution......................: 300 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum y-resolution......................: 600 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] FB (flatbed-mode):
<EM>&gt; [umax] FB maximum scan width.....................: 8.50 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] FB maximum scan length....................: 14.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA (transparency-mode):
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA x-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA y-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA maximum scan width....................: 8.50 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] UTA maximum scan length...................: 11.70 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x82 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR (double optical resolution-mode):
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR optical resolution....................: 0 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum x-resolution..................: 0 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum y-resolution..................: 0 dpi
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR x-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR y-original point......................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum scan width....................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR maximum scan length...................: 0.00 inch
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x8e = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] last calibration lamp density.............: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x90 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] lamp warmup maximum time..................: 0 sec
<EM>&gt; [umax] window descriptor block length............: 82 bytes
<EM>&gt; [umax] no analog gamma function
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x98 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x99 = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] maximum calibration data lines for shading: 66
<EM>&gt; [umax] fb/uta: color line arrangement mode.......: 32
<EM>&gt; [umax] adf: color line arrangement mode.......: 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] CCD line distance.........................: 8
<EM>&gt; [umax]
<EM>&gt; [umax] reserved byte 0x9e = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_open
<EM>&gt; [umax] Using 8 bits for gamma input
<EM>&gt; [umax] init_options
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_start
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_start: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned scsi buffer size =
<EM>&gt; 131072
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_start: buffer size has changed, reallocating buffer
<EM>&gt; [umax] initialize_values
<EM>&gt; [umax] grab_scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] wait_scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner ready
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner reserved
<EM>&gt; [umax] Using 8 bits for gamma input
<EM>&gt; [umax] Using 8 bits for output
<EM>&gt; [umax] check_values
<EM>&gt; [umax] using one pass scanning mode
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner uses color-line-ordering with CCD-distance of 8 lines
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_get_parameters
<EM>&gt; [umax] x_resolution (dpi) = 100
<EM>&gt; [umax] y_resolution (dpi) = 100
<EM>&gt; [umax] x_coordinate_base (dpi) = 1200
<EM>&gt; [umax] y_coordinate_base (dpi) = 1200
<EM>&gt; [umax] upper_left_x (xbase) = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] upper_left_y (ybase) = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanwidth (xbase) = 10198
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanlength (ybase) = 16798
<EM>&gt; [umax] width in pixels = 850
<EM>&gt; [umax] length in pixels = 1400
<EM>&gt; [umax] bits per pixel/color = 8
<EM>&gt; [umax] bytes per line = 2550
<EM>&gt; [umax] pixels_per_line = 850
<EM>&gt; [umax] lines = 1400
<EM>&gt; [umax] negative = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] threshold (lineart) = 127
<EM>&gt; [umax] brightness (halftone) = 127
<EM>&gt; [umax] contrast (halftone) = 127
<EM>&gt; [umax] analog_gamma = 0 0 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] highlight = 255 255 255
<EM>&gt; [umax] shadow = 0 0 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] calibrat. exposure time = 0 0 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] scan exposure time = 0 0 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] shading type number = 3
<EM>&gt; [umax] calibration mode number = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] quality calibration = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] fast preview function = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] DOR = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] ADF = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] slow scan speed = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] smear = 0
<EM>&gt; [umax] set_window_param
<EM>&gt; [umax] window descriptor block created with 82 bytes
<EM>&gt; [umax] check condition sense handler
<EM>&gt; [umax] check condition sense: ILLEGAL REQUEST
<EM>&gt; [umax] -&gt; no error (#0)
<EM>&gt; [umax] -&gt; invalid field in parameter list
<EM>&gt; [umax] umax_set_window_param: command returned status Error during device
<EM>&gt; I/O
<EM>&gt; [umax] start_scan
<EM>&gt; [umax] starting scan
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_calibration
<EM>&gt; [umax] wait_scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner reports Device busy, waiting ...
<EM>&gt; [umax] check condition sense handler
<EM>&gt; [umax] check condition sense: VENDOR SPECIFIC
<EM>&gt; [umax] -&gt; no error (#0)
<EM>&gt; [umax] -&gt; calibration by driver
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner ready
<EM>&gt; [umax] driver is doing calibration
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_request_sense
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner sends 66 lines with 7647 pixels and 1 bytes/pixel
<EM>&gt; [umax] calculating average value for 8 bit shading data!
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 1 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 2 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 3 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 4 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 5 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 6 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 7 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 8 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 9 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 10 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 11 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 12 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 13 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 14 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 15 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 16 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 17 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 18 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 19 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 20 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 21 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 22 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 23 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 24 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 25 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 26 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 27 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 28 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 29 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 30 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 31 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 32 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 33 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 34 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 35 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 36 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 37 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 38 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 39 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 40 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 41 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 42 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 43 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 44 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 45 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 46 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 47 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 48 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 49 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 50 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 51 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 52 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 53 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 54 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 55 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 56 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 57 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 58 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 59 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 60 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 61 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 62 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 63 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 64 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 65 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] 8 bit shading-line 66 read
<EM>&gt; [umax] inverting 8 bit shading data
<EM>&gt; [umax] send_shading_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] shading-data sent
<EM>&gt; [umax] start_scan
<EM>&gt; [umax] starting scan
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_get_parameters
<EM>&gt; P6
<EM>&gt; # SANE data follows
<EM>&gt; 850 1400
<EM>&gt; 255
<EM>&gt; [umax] reader_process started
<EM>&gt; [umax] reader_process: starting to READ data
<EM>&gt; [umax] trim_rowbufsize: row_bufsize = 130050 bytes = 51 lines
<EM>&gt; [umax] reading 3570000 bytes in blocks of 130050 bytes
<EM>&gt; [umax] ordering from line-order to pixel-order
<EM>&gt; [umax] read_image_data
<EM>&gt; [umax] wait_scanner
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner reports Device busy, waiting ...
<EM>&gt; [umax] scanner ready
<EM>&gt; Finally decided to hit control-C here
<EM>&gt; scanimage: stopping scanner...
<EM>&gt; [umax] sane_cancel
<EM>&gt; [umax] do_cancel
<EM>&gt; [umax] killing reader_process
<EM>&gt; [umax] reader_process: terminated by signal 15
<EM>&gt; Thanks very much for any advice, help...
<EM>&gt; ::mark
<EM>&gt; p.s. I'm happy to try out the new 1.0.4 release if anyone thinks that will
<EM>&gt; help.
<EM>&gt; --
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