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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Bernard MICHAUD (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI">
<H1>Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI</H1>
<!-- received="Wed Aug 16 12:43:56 2000" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Bernard MICHAUD (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Aug 16 2000 - 12:47:50 PDT
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I now remember that for W9x some options were mandatory for the scanner
driver given with the thing (and not indicated with the box!). They can
be got from microtek's site. The fact is that at the beginning, my PC
used to lock up while trying to scan, with W98. At the moment the
Phantom 330 CX works, but needs W9X, which is nomore my cup of tea. So
if it is not worth the effort to make it working under Linux, I shall
chuck it out some day and buy a good-linuxable one. (The only interest
of this model was its price, less than 90 euros).
<P>&quot;Joseph R. + Martina Eoff&quot; a <20>crit :
<EM>&gt; Hi!
<EM>&gt; It is possible to get a Microtek 330CX to work under Linux. I had mine working
<EM>&gt; for a couple of months at the beginning of the year. It is unfortunatley not
<EM>&gt; worth the effort. I ended up buying a Mustek SE 12000SP, with which I am very
<EM>&gt; happy. Just don't bother using the SCSI card it comes with. An Initio 9100UW
<EM>&gt; does a very good job and is inexpensive. Back to the Phantom: There are still
<EM>&gt; some issues in the driver that make the scans come out too dark, adn they are
<EM>&gt; also generally reversed left for right and there are problems with the
<EM>&gt; positioning of previews and scan areas in xsane/xscanimage. All of these
<EM>&gt; problems are due to some work that needs to be done on the backend. It seems,
<EM>&gt; though, that the maintainer has dropped out of sight. I haven't seen an
<EM>&gt; announcement of a new version of the Microtek2 backend since January 2000. Bernd
<EM>&gt; did answer a posting here a while back, but that was about all,
<EM>&gt; BTW: The difficulties that Riku mentioned with the Windows drivers is one of the
<EM>&gt; reasons that Windows has been banned from my computer. The crashes and random
<EM>&gt; &quot;Scanner doesn't want to play today&quot; crap just got on my nerves. In Berd's
<EM>&gt; defense, I must say that although the Windows driver delivered better scans, the
<EM>&gt; Microtek2 backend never crashed in all the time I was monkeying with it. If you
<EM>&gt; want to lock up Windows, pull the power plug on your Phantom in the middle of a
<EM>&gt; scan and watch Windows croak. The Microtek2 backend just times out and exits
<EM>&gt; gracefully. I know this because I had a bad extension cord that caused a few
<EM>&gt; problems:-)
<EM>&gt; Joseph R. Eoff
<EM>&gt; --
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