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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Support for HP5300C</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Terence Haddock (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Support for HP5300C">
<H1>Re: Support for HP5300C</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Terence Haddock (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Jul 14 2000 - 10:50:08 PDT
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The scanner has four buttons on the front, that is probably what it uses the
interrupt for. Is there any Linux utility which supports these buttons?
<P>At least with kernel 2.2.16 with the backported USB drivers, the scanner times
out when I attempt to do a scan.
<P>The command:
<P>scanimage -d hp:/dev/scanner0 -v
<P>Does nothing for a few minutes, then I get this message in the messages log:
<P>Jul 13 21:28:01 alfred kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
Jul 13 21:28:01 alfred kernel: scanner.c: write_scanner: NAK recieved.
Jul 13 21:29:14 alfred kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
Jul 13 21:29:14 alfred kernel: scanner.c: write_scanner: NAK recieved.
<P>--- Contents of: /etc/sane.d/hp.conf
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;option connect-device
<P>/dev/scanner0 was created with &quot;mknod /dev/scanner0 c 180 48&quot;
<P>Also, I loaded the scanner.o module with:
<P>/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.16/usb/scanner.o vendor=0x03f0 product=0x0701
<P>The problem may be the backported USB drivers, I am going to try kernel
2.4.0-test3 as soon as I get it installed, and see if it works then.
Terence Haddock
<P>On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 18:44:42 Oliver Neukum wrote:
&gt; &gt; not seem to work. The USB scanner module do not include the product ID, and
&gt; &gt; parallel port drivers do not seem to detect the device.
&gt; You can give those IDs to the USB driver as module options.
&gt; The scanner reports 1 input, 1 output and 1 interrupt USB pipe.
&gt; This doesn't rule out use with the USB driver.
&gt; Does this scanner have any buttons or similar controls that might use the
&gt; interrupt pipe ?
&gt; Oliver Neukum
&gt; --
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