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<TITLE>sane-devel: speed of the the latest cvs (yesterday) and Kernel</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Rene Rebe (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="speed of the the latest cvs (yesterday) and Kernel 2.3.46">
<H1>speed of the the latest cvs (yesterday) and Kernel 2.3.46</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Rene Rebe (<A HREF=";20000224222706H.rene@jackson&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Feb 24 2000 - 13:27:06 PST
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Hi, out there!
<P>/* I had to resend this, because I was subscribt with my old eMail-adr
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;... I hope it will only apear once ;-) */
<P>Because of the major improvements of the generic scsi interface in the
2.3 kernel series (I thought there are some ...) I updated my server
to the 2.3.46 Kernel and recompiled sane (yesterday-cvs).
<P>I wanted to make some benchmarks for my avision-backend web-page and
noticed that this new combination is MUCH SLOWER!
<P>The Avision is connected to an Adaptec AHA-2940-U with pentium 120.
<P>With 2.2.12 and a end-january-cvs an a4 - 400dpi - color scan took
<P>With 2.2.46 and the yesterday-cvs the same scan took 236s! Which is
56s (31%) slower ...!
<P>Does anyone has the same problem?? Or maybe know what could be wrong??
<P>(I hope the english is &quot;readable&quot;...)
<P>k33p h4ck1n6 Ren<65>
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