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<!-- received="Thu Dec 31 12:23:20 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Thu, 31 Dec 1998 20:16:53 GMT" -->
<!-- name="D C Haslam" -->
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<!-- subject="Short pnm files" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Short pnm files</title>
<h1>Short pnm files</h1>
<b>D C Haslam</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Thu, 31 Dec 1998 20:16:53 GMT</i>
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I have a Umax 600S connected to an AV-1515, and in general<br>
it seems to work ok with sane 1.0.<br>
However, sometimes the pnm file generated by scanimage or xscanimage<br>
is invalid, the file is generally too short.<br>
Has anyone else seen this? I've been trying different settings, but<br>
don't have anything conclusive yet. 300dpi (the max for this scanner)<br>
seems ok, but lower resolutions seem to suffer. It is affected by the<br>
area scanned.<br>
I ran scanimage with various debugging environment variables set, and<br>
the debug output suggests that sane_read is not returning<br>
all the data from the scanner as this extract suggests:<br>
[umax] merged line as color 0 to line 36<br>
[umax] sane_read: read 4096 bytes<br>
[umax] merged line as color 2 to line 39<br>
[umax] merged line as color 0 to line 37<br>
[umax] merged line as color 2 to line 40<br>
[umax] sane_read: read 233 bytes<br>
[umax] reader_process: buffer of 4563 bytes read; 0 bytes to go<br>
[umax] sane_read: read 0 bytes<br>
(the full session log is over 500 lines, available on request :)<br>
I'll debug some more, but umax.c doesn't make a lot of sense to me<br>
yet, not being familiar with the finer points of scanner interfacing.<br>
David Haslam<br>
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<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0330.html">Robert Brink: "Re: Very slow colour scanning with Trust Imagery 1200SP (= Mustek MSF-06000SP)"</a>
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