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<!-- received="Tue Oct 6 04:26:04 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Tue, 6 Oct 1998 12:24:51 +0100 (BST)" -->
<!-- name="H C Pumphrey" -->
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<!-- subject="Scanners - SCSI card for ARTEC AT12" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Scanners - SCSI card for ARTEC AT12</title>
<h1>Scanners - SCSI card for ARTEC AT12</h1>
<b>H C Pumphrey</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Tue, 6 Oct 1998 12:24:51 +0100 (BST)</i>
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Hi debian users and SANE people:<br>
This is tangential to, but not unconnected with the recent request on<br>
debian-user for advice about what scanner to get. When I bought my Debian<br>
system recently I got an ARTEC AT12 scanner because (a) it was on the SANE<br>
supporeted list (b) it is alledgedly a very good scanner and (c) my<br>
supplier could get one easily. I have no other SCSI devices. The scanner<br>
comes with its own SCSI card and this is the reason I havn't got it<br>
working yet. <br>
I have found out what sort of card it is: a DTC 3181x / 3151x, whatever<br>
that means. I can't find out from the various Linux FMs tht I have RTFMed<br>
whether this card is supported and, if so, what I do to get it recognised<br>
(Presumably I need some boot-prompt arguments). <br>
The Hardware-Howto lists the following DTC cards as supported:<br>
DTC 329x (EISA) (Adaptec 154x compatible) <br>
and the following as unsupported:<br>
Non Adaptec compatible DTC boards (327x, 328x) <br>
The (not recently updated) SCSI-Howto agrees and says the 327x and 328x<br>
will NEVER be supported on account of DTC's disclosure policies. <br>
No-one mentions the 3181x / 3151x so I can't tell from this what to do<br>
about my card. If anyone can tell me what to do or point me at the right<br>
documentation, I'd be grateful.<br>
It would also be useful if anyone can confirm that this card is never<br>
going to work in Linux -- then I would know that I will have to find<br>
another card. Suggestions for that would be welcome, too - remember I only<br>
want the SCSI card for the scanner. Is the August 1996 SCSI-Howto still<br>
useful in this respect, or is it hopelessly out of date? <br>
Clearly, if I get the scanner working, I'll post what I did here. <br>
The bottom line for anyone buying a scanner is that even if you pick one<br>
from the SANE-supported list you may find that it is supplied with a SCSI<br>
card that is not usable (or not immediately usable) in Linux. You may<br>
therefore have to get a different SCSI card before the scanner will work.<br>
many TIA to anyone who can supply further enlightenment!<br>
Hugh <br>
Hugh C. Pumphrey, Dept. of - | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780<br>
Meteorology, Univ. of Edinburgh | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside U.K<br>
EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ, Scotland | Email <a href=""></a><br>
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