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<!-- received="Fri Aug 14 15:55:40 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Fri, 14 Aug 1998 15:53:25 -0700" -->
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<!-- subject="Minolta QuickScan35 film scanner" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Minolta QuickScan35 film scanner</title>
<h1>Minolta QuickScan35 film scanner</h1>
<b>David Rose</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Fri, 14 Aug 1998 15:53:25 -0700</i>
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Hi all,<br>
I haven't seen any mention of a backend for the Minolta QuickScan35,<br>
either as an actual, existing thing or even as a gleam in someone's<br>
Therefore, unless someone can tell me why I shouldn't bother, I'd like<br>
to try to write one, since I'm already the proud owner of this fine<br>
Does anyone have any general advice? I've not done any SCSI<br>
programming before, and I know nothing about what kind of messages to<br>
expect coming out of this thing. In general, are different brands of<br>
scanners essentially similar (so that I might reasonably start with<br>
the existing backend for, say, the Nikon Coolscan and adapt it to the<br>
Minolta), or should I expect a completely new world here?<br>
Should I even consider trying to do this without some technical specs<br>
from Minolta, and what are my best chances of getting those specs?<br>
Many thanks.<br>
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