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<TITLE>sane-devel: backends and external libraries</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Paschal (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="backends and external libraries">
<H1>backends and external libraries</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> David Paschal (<A HREF=";200003030919.BAA00976@axel.local&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Mar 03 2000 - 01:19:59 PST
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Hi. As part of my efforts to add SANE support for HP OfficeJets (see
<A HREF=""></A>), I decided to move my I/O code from the
backend into an external library, since the code is growing rather complicated
and will be used for other applications besides scanning (printing, faxing,
copying, etc.). I've looked through the configure scripts and makefiles
and think I would be able to figure out with some experimentation how to
modify SANE to support such an optional external library. I was wondering
if anybody could give me some advice on the best (cleanest) way to do this
to save me a little time and so I would do it right the first time.
<P>Here's what I think I need to be able to do:
<P>- Modify the (and generate a new ./configure) to check for the
existence, version, and location of this external library (which I'm currently
calling PTAL, for &quot;Peripheral Transport Abstraction Library&quot;). ./configure
currently does something similar to check for GTK.
<P>- If the library is not found, then build the HP SCL backend as usual to
support the usual connection methods (SCSI, device, PIO). Disable the new
HP DTF backend I'm working on to support the sheetfed OfficeJets and the
LaserJet 1100A (which could be connected either to a LAN via an HP JetDirect
external print server, or eventually to the parallel port on a workstation
using a Linux kernel module).
<P>- If the library is found, then enable the DTF backend. Use the gcc -D
switch to pass in an extra #define to the HP SCL backend that enables my
added code that interfaces with PTAL to support the SCL-based flatbed HP
OfficeJets. What should I call this #define? &quot;PTAL&quot;? Or &quot;HAVE_PTAL&quot;?
<P>- When building PTAL-enabled backends, as well as versions of Peter
Kirchgessner's hpinq and hpscan utilities that I've hacked to support PTAL,
either statically or dynamically link the PTAL library to the corresponding
backend or executable. I imagine dynamic linking would be preferable, but
isn't it unavailable on certain platforms?
<P>And what would happen if both the SCL and DTF backends were running at the
same time (i.e. under saned)? In the case of static linking, would there be
problems with the identically-named PTAL symbols in the two backends clashing?
That shouldn't be a problem for dynamic linking, since only one instance of
PTAL would actually be loaded and running; it would merely be up to me to
ensure that it could safely be used by two backends in this manner. (Does
PTAL need to be thread-safe, even through AFAIK none of its intended clients
will be multi-threaded?)
<P>So are the above items all I need to do, or can somebody tell me what else I
need to do? I would also greatly appreciate specific advice on how to do
these things to make this work. On the other hand, if I wasn't clear enough
in explaining what I'm trying to do (or why), then please let me know and
I'll elaborate as necessary.
<P>Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give.
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