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<TITLE>sane-devel: HP5300C Transparency</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Doug X (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="HP5300C Transparency">
<H1>HP5300C Transparency</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Doug X (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Jan 31 2001 - 23:12:53 PST
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&nbsp;&nbsp;I had also posted a similar question back in September regarding my HP6300C.
I am using the ADV-915-H SCSI controller. Peter K. tried to help me (Thanks)
I'm running Sane 1.0.4 on Linux - Mandrake 7.2 (kernel 2.2.17)
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Though my issue was with the transparency adapter. With it enabled regardless of dpi setting, my scanner would only scan at one resolution(by the sound of it) and every image would be black except for a bit of skewed colour at the beginning.
<P>Win95 has no problem with transparency's.
The scanner is the only thing connected to the SCSI card.
&nbsp;&nbsp;For an experiment, I tried Vuescan to see if it could fair any better, but to no avail. It produced the same type of image as sane. So I think that my SCSI system must be at fault somewhere, not SANE.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Although I would like this to work, I am in no rush as 3 concurrent research projects at university are killing me and my time.
<P><P>-----Original Message-----
From: Shamim Mohamed <A HREF=";;"></A>
Sent: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:01:30 -0800 (PST)
To: <A HREF=";;"></A>
Subject: HP C5100A (SCSI PhotoSmart) - image solid black
<P><P>I'm running Sane 1.0.4 on Linux - Mandrake 7.2 (kernel 2.2.17), with a
Tekram DC-390U SCSI adapter (NCR 53c875e chipset).
I have a Umax 1200S and an HP C5100A Rev 032. Both are recognised by the
kernel, and the Umax works fine.
The PhotoSmart, however: trying to scan a slide, everything seems to be
working fine EXCEPT: the image I get from xscanimage is just solid
black. All other functions of xscanimage work - when I ask for a preview
image, the slide is taken in, it whirs appropriately, and for the scan
itself it makes all the right noises and then ejects the slide.
I tried using scanimage with and without options: same all black image.
What's going on? Do I need to calibrate the 5100A? There is a
calibration card that came with the scanner but none of the
documentation I've found on the HP backend says anything about
I tried scanning a print: very dark, faint blue image could be observed.
However scanning a strip of negatives looks much better.
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