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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Scanmaker 636</TITLE>
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<H1>Re: Scanmaker 636</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Nils Gundelach (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Jan 25 2001 - 10:51:03 PST
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Hi !
<P>it's me again ;)
I have some additions to my microtek scanmaker 636 problem.
This is _no_ misconfiguration on my site and i'll explain you why:
<P>If i run the scanner under win2000 and then boot linux on the same mashiene
everything goes well, but if i switch off the scanner and then reboot
linux it doesn't work anymore.
ok, i decided to do this again 'cause it's incredible for me, but i can
reproduce it. Windows must send a &quot;magic&quot; command to the scanner.
(i tried it on a friend's computer too, winNT+debian woody)
<P>I used xsane 0.70 (debian woddy package).
root@darkstar:~# cat /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
<P>root@darkstar:~# cat /etc/sane.d/microtek2.conf
# See sane-microtek2(5) for a description of the options
<P>option dump 1
# option lightlid-35 on
# option no-backtrack-option on
scsi * * Scanner
<P>Contact me, if you need additional information about my setup or something else.
<P>I hope anyone can help me out of this.
<P><P>On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Nils Gundelach wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; Hello,
<EM>&gt; I don't know if this is the right place to post, forgive me if it's not :)
<EM>&gt; I run a Microtek Scanmaker 636 together with a Tekram dc-395.
<EM>&gt; dc-395 -&gt; scanner(TERM)
<EM>&gt; If i don't disable &quot;Allow disconnect&quot; in the scsi bios i get the following
<EM>&gt; error message:
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:13 darkstar kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : p=
<EM>&gt; id
<EM>&gt; 0, scsi1, channel 0, id 6, lun 0 Read (10) 00 83 00 60 00 00 00 00 00
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:13 darkstar kernel: DC395x_abort: pid=3D0, target=3D06-0
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:13 darkstar kernel: DC395x: abort: Lower SyncFreq to for dev
<EM>&gt; 06-0!
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:13 darkstar kernel: pid 0(28666):28 00..(6-0) Start 00 60 MI=
<EM>&gt; P1
<EM>&gt; #MIP0(02).MIP1 #MIP0(04).DISC +abort (SN)!*
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:13 darkstar kernel: TmpSRB:
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:13 darkstar kernel: DC395x: Aborted pid 0 with status 0
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:14 darkstar kernel: DC395x: Disc: SRB_ABORT_SENT!
<EM>&gt; Jan 22 03:21:14 darkstar kernel: DC395x_DoingSRB_Done: pids (G)pid
<EM>&gt; 0(28666):28 00..(6-0) Start 00 60 MIP1 #MIP0(02).MIP1 #MIP0(04).DISC +abort
<EM>&gt; (SN)!RSel ##MOP1#(06 )DISC Reset(29749):00050000*
<EM>&gt; The scanner doesn't allow synchronous scsi, so i set the asynchron option in
<EM>&gt; my scsi bios, no success :/
<EM>&gt; I tried this also with my adaptec 7890 (Asus P2B-s) and result was the same.
<EM>&gt; If i leave this option enabled, the scanner scans 1/4 of a page and then
<EM>&gt; stops. The image is full off red, green, blue lines... (the same with 7890)
<EM>&gt; I thought the scanner is broken, but i tested the scanner by a friend and it
<EM>&gt; works fine. He also uses Debian (woody) with kernel 2.4.0.
<EM>&gt; I played with several options in the scsi bios but nothing helped. I had th=
<EM>&gt; is
<EM>&gt; working some time ago...
<EM>&gt; Maybe anyone can kick me into the right direction.
<EM>&gt; some information about the system:
<EM>&gt; root@darkstar:~# cat /proc/ioports
<EM>&gt; 0000-001f : dma1
<EM>&gt; 0020-003f : pic1
<EM>&gt; 0040-005f : timer
<EM>&gt; 0060-006f : keyboard
<EM>&gt; 0080-008f : dma page reg
<EM>&gt; 00a0-00bf : pic2
<EM>&gt; 00c0-00df : dma2
<EM>&gt; 00f0-00ff : fpu
<EM>&gt; 01f0-01f7 : ide0
<EM>&gt; 02f8-02ff : serial(set)
<EM>&gt; 0378-037a : parport0
<EM>&gt; 03c0-03df : vga+
<EM>&gt; 03c0-03df : matrox
<EM>&gt; 03f6-03f6 : ide0
<EM>&gt; 03f8-03ff : serial(set)
<EM>&gt; 0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
<EM>&gt; b000-b0ff : ESS Technology ES1968 Maestro 2
<EM>&gt; b000-b0ff : ESS Maestro 2
<EM>&gt; b400-b4ff : Tekram Technology Co.,Ltd. TRM-S1040
<EM>&gt; b400-b47f : DC395x_TRM
<EM>&gt; b800-b83f : 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]
<EM>&gt; b800-b83f : eth0
<EM>&gt; d000-d0ff : Adaptec AHA-2940U2/W / 7890
<EM>&gt; d000-d0fe : aic7xxx
<EM>&gt; d400-d41f : Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB
<EM>&gt; d800-d80f : Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE
<EM>&gt; e400-e43f : Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI
<EM>&gt; e800-e81f : Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI
<EM>&gt; root@darkstar:~#
<EM>&gt; t@darkstar:~# cat /proc/interrupts
<EM>&gt; CPU0
<EM>&gt; 0: 989203 XT-PIC timer
<EM>&gt; 1: 8615 XT-PIC keyboard
<EM>&gt; 2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
<EM>&gt; 5: 47045 XT-PIC eth0
<EM>&gt; 9: 14560 XT-PIC aic7xxx, bttv
<EM>&gt; 10: 18 XT-PIC DC395x_TRM
<EM>&gt; 11: 351761 XT-PIC ESS Maestro 2
<EM>&gt; 12: 111130 XT-PIC PS/2 Mouse
<EM>&gt; 14: 131712 XT-PIC ide0
<EM>&gt; NMI: 0
<EM>&gt; LOC: 0
<EM>&gt; ERR: 0
<EM>&gt; root@darkstar:~#
<P>thx Nils
(<28>- Get my Key &quot;gpg --keyserver --recv-key 45CD0073&quot; -<2D>)
//\ Key fingerprint = F4D9 9274 6ED8 B227 A62A 33FA 0D2E 2414 45CD 0073 /\\
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